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Bill C-21 to prohibit airsoft guns in canada



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Old February 16th, 2021, 12:54   #1
Canadian Psycho
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Bill C-21 to prohibit airsoft guns in canada

Looks like airsoft has finally been added to the threat list of prohibitions along with many real steel firearms. Bill C-21 looks to add imitation firearms with mid-level velocity firearms that look exactly like a regulated firearm to the prohibited list. Prohibits all future sales, imports and etc.

Read up on it here:

I highly recommend writting your MP, the Safety minister, PM office, to voice your opposition to this. As well, id strongly recommend joining or donating to the CCFR or another firearms advocacy group to help the fight against these laws.
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Last edited by Canadian Psycho; February 17th, 2021 at 12:52..
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Old February 16th, 2021, 13:02   #2
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I would love to have a Canadian airsoft federation ... I already tried to call my MP. I highly recommend that the stores, the provincial federation, and all the airsoft players come together for a one-time push with data on how much airsoft revenue is in Canada and how many job losses it can affect. If we want to win, we have to stay together and prove that we are responsible and organized.

I also invite you to check how UK dealt with Airsoft over the last decade, a similar situation to us but different approach. Portugal also got the same issue...
Proud to be Alsatian

Last edited by Matula; February 16th, 2021 at 13:43..
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Old February 16th, 2021, 13:43   #3
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Looks like the Libtards took a page from how the Australians banned the gel blasters...

We must act fast!
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Old February 16th, 2021, 14:13   #4
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I wrote about this happening back last spring, when they introduce OIC that banned real steel guns, somewhere on this forum. Now it happened.

@Matula, I'm afraid that airsoft sales numbers would be dwarfed by real steel sales and ammunition. Also, liberals use tactics of concealing facts that are not in their favor, such as the actual percentage of homicides during home violence used vs the illegal gun homicides. We should follow the same tactics and add airsoft sales to the real steel sales to indicate this.

You are right on consolidating effort. Join CCFR and at least you'll know that your hard-earned money will not be wasted. These guys proved by their actions that they are fitting for legal gun owners. Many from our team have been donating to the cause. Creating yet another underfunded federation, that will have dick hanging at half-past 6 against anti-gun lobby, is pointless.
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Old February 16th, 2021, 14:18   #5
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Grim reading... "modernizing language in the regulation and the Criminal Code with respect to prohibited weapons, devices, and ammunition to close gaps in the law." MODERNIZING is always a scary word. Ditto "GAPS". These words are used to make measures sound progressive and reasonable, when in reality they're totally oppressive. It's just a Bill at present, but make no mistake - the writing's on the wall, and the stupid people are trying really hard to win.

Last edited by baronsass; February 16th, 2021 at 14:22..
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Old February 16th, 2021, 14:49   #6
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Quoted from:
Ensure mid-velocity 'replica' firearms are prohibited

Update the Criminal Code to ensure that any device, including an unregulated airgun that looks exactly like a conventional regulated firearm (i.e., shoots over 500 feet per second), is prohibited for the purposes of import, export, sale and transfer.
Current owners may keep their 'replicas' but cannot transfer them to anyone else.
No further 'replica' firearms could be imported into, or sold/transferred in Canada.
This amendment does not affect other types of airguns that do not exactly replicate a conventional regulated firearm.

Limit the glorification of violence in firearms marketing and sales

Create an offence under the Firearms Act to prohibit business advertising that depicts, counsels or promotes firearms violence against a person, with a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment for a first offence and five years for each subsequent offence.

You may become a criminal if you install a spring that puts your "assault looking" piece of aluminum/plastic at above 500fps?

Also, no more photos and videos that promote games and depict shooting other players. You may end up locked up for at least 2 years. This may even touch Instagram and Youtube channels that monetize content.


P.S. Just had a thought - the movie industry is a business, isn't it? People shoot each other movies left, right, and center. Are those businesses also going to be charged for including shooting guns in promo trailers?

Last edited by Sash; February 16th, 2021 at 15:13..
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Old February 16th, 2021, 15:00   #7
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It doesn?t look good... based on what is being discussed now is that any airsoft gun can be prohibited if the gun it replicates shoots above 500fps. A real HK416 shoots above 500fps and is prohibited... well your HK416 airsoft gun is also prohibited even if it ahoots below 500fps.

If it looks like a prohibited firearm, it?s prohibited.

Will have to keep following to make sure but it doesn?t look good
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Old February 16th, 2021, 15:11   #8
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No further 'replica' firearms could be imported into, or sold/transferred in Canada.
This amendment does not affect other types of airguns that do not exactly replicate a conventional regulated firearm.
I?m curious as to this wording.

Does this mean that the replica can?t be imported if it shoots over 500fps or does this mean ANY replica can?t be imported if it looks like a real gun?

Also, a BB weight isn’t specified. How do they determine 500fps?

.2g .3g? Lighter?

Last edited by Donster; February 16th, 2021 at 15:29..
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Old February 16th, 2021, 15:53   #9
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I guess we are just going to have to do FlintLock airsoft...

There will be big demand for Redcoat outfits now.
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Old February 16th, 2021, 16:17   #10
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Right now we use the fact that downgraded airsoft guns are still legal because they have the potential to fire over 366fps. Well, a lot of guns have the potential to fire over 500fps too. This looks like a gigantic problem in their wording to me.
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Old February 16th, 2021, 17:06   #11
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
Right now we use the fact that downgraded airsoft guns are still legal because they have the potential to fire over 366fps. Well, a lot of guns have the potential to fire over 500fps too. This looks like a gigantic problem in their wording to me.
What I'm trying to figure out is do they mean a replica that shoots over 500fps or replicating something that shoots over 500fps. Cause all real firearms shoot over 500.

My opinion on the wording you mention is, they say "shoots over" not "can shoot over". For example, I can make a standard Honda Civic with over 600hp, but how long after startup will it even function. So it "can", but doesn't and shouldn't.
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Old February 16th, 2021, 19:09   #12
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
Right now we use the fact that downgraded airsoft guns are still legal because they have the potential to fire over 366fps. Well, a lot of guns have the potential to fire over 500fps too. This looks like a gigantic problem in their wording to me.
This is my concern too.

Originally Posted by TK-604 View Post
What I'm trying to figure out is do they mean a replica that shoots over 500fps or replicating something that shoots over 500fps. Cause all real firearms shoot over 500.

My opinion on the wording you mention is, they say "shoots over" not "can shoot over". For example, I can make a standard Honda Civic with over 600hp, but how long after startup will it even function. So it "can", but doesn't and shouldn't.
I hope this is the case and we can still have, import and enjoy our hobby so long as we stay below the 500fps limit.
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Old February 16th, 2021, 19:50   #13
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we need all fields and retailers to band together and form some kind of coalition against this ruling, something like UKARA would be great... I mean if it passes their out of business.
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Old February 16th, 2021, 20:57   #14
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Originally Posted by bobotea View Post
we need all fields and retailers to band together and form some kind of coalition against this ruling, something like UKARA would be great... I mean if it passes their out of business.
An association is a far cry away, but most of the retailers are asking their customers to talk to their MPs. That's as good as we can do for now.
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Old February 16th, 2021, 21:04   #15
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Originally Posted by keegant View Post
An association is a far cry away, but most of the retailers are asking their customers to talk to their MPs. That's as good as we can do for now.
why is it up to the players? sure we can send messages to our MP's, I have. But ultimately the businesses are the ones who have the most money and stand the most to lose. We need their help as much as they need ours...
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