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Tippmann M4 Carbine Airsoft?


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Old February 27th, 2014, 04:07   #76
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Originally Posted by -=ArchAngel=- View Post
Tippmann M4 with Hustle Paintball @ Extravaganza 2014 - YouTube

does that look like some sorta modular rail system?
Think they called it an 8 sided picatinny rail in the other video, don't like it much though.

It actually doesn't look too bad. Put on a nice aftermarket keymod rail system, moe grip, and replace the LE stock and it'd look like any standard AEG/GBB M4 without trades. Includes a set of MBUS flip up sights so that's a nice perk. Hopefully they come out with a shooting video soon, would like to see how it compares to a daytona or standard GBBR recoil wise.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 04:32   #77
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
Ben Tippmann parted his ways with The Tippman Company, but look at the BT markers from Empire. Very, very similar.

If the blow back design is similar to a 98, and yes the kick will be harsh like a 98 blow-back paintball gun.
Just in case your wondering the 98 is an inline poppit type valve. What makes it kick so hard is literally a chunk of metal the call a ram, however the ram they use is much bigger than you normal type of ram. It weigh some thing like 3/4 of a pound (don't quote me on that). The ram is pushed by a spring which is connected to the bolt by a rod, the reason for the huge chunk of metal is it needed to pop the valve open which had about 800 PSI behind it plus move the bolt and paint.

Now that we know you don't need so much pressure since more air at a smaller pressure is adequate and much more efficient.
the design is almost 20 years old so it's to be expected compared to the much newer designs used by companies such as Planet Eclipse or DYE.

So in all honesty it will probably be much smaller with less kick as it takes much less air and pressure to move a BB than a paintball.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 05:48   #78
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Originally Posted by Aj619 View Post
Just in case your wondering the 98 is an inline poppit type valve. What makes it kick so hard is literally a chunk of metal the call a ram, however the ram they use is much bigger than you normal type of ram. It weigh some thing like 3/4 of a pound (don't quote me on that). The ram is pushed by a spring which is connected to the bolt by a rod, the reason for the huge chunk of metal is it needed to pop the valve open which had about 800 PSI behind it plus move the bolt and paint.

Now that we know you don't need so much pressure since more air at a smaller pressure is adequate and much more efficient.
the design is almost 20 years old so it's to be expected compared to the much newer designs used by companies such as Planet Eclipse or DYE.

So in all honesty it will probably be much smaller with less kick as it takes much less air and pressure to move a BB than a paintball.
im very interested in seeing if this is true, and if so, how much less kick will it have.
I remember seeing a guy modding an old trracer (pump action nelson) to shoot airsoft BBs. Before any adjustments to the valve, it was shooting at some very lethal velocities (1000+fps). I wonder how much was scaled down to meet playable airsoft velocities.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 06:27   #79
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That's if the even use that system as it is a very inconsistent system regularly over +- 10 FPS from my experience with the 98. It is also very harsh on ammo, (not a huge concern in airsoft) sticking a finger in the breech and cycling it can actually break a finger unlike most newer systems or even the LVL 10 bolt for the Mag/Automag wich was created I think 3 years after the 98 design.

In fact Tom Kaye had a famous interview where he stuck his tongue in the breech of an automag with a LVL 10 bolt and fired to show how easy on paint it is.
Do not shop at New 2 you Buy & Sell in Hamilton, On. Unless you want to be ripped off.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 08:31   #80
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Originally Posted by Aj619 View Post
That's if the even use that system as it is a very inconsistent system regularly over +- 10 FPS from my experience with the 98. It is also very harsh on ammo, (not a huge concern in airsoft) sticking a finger in the breech and cycling it can actually break a finger unlike most newer systems or even the LVL 10 bolt for the Mag/Automag wich was created I think 3 years after the 98 design.

In fact Tom Kaye had a famous interview where he stuck his tongue in the breech of an automag with a LVL 10 bolt and fired to show how easy on paint it is.
The LVL10 was needed so the mags don't chop paint. But it was also flawed from the start. The LVL10 was a fix to overcome the huge forward force and wasted even more air.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 08:32   #81
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Originally Posted by Aj619 View Post
Just in case your wondering the 98 is an inline poppit type valve. What makes it kick so hard is literally a chunk of metal the call a ram, however the ram they use is much bigger than you normal type of ram. It weigh some thing like 3/4 of a pound (don't quote me on that). The ram is pushed by a spring which is connected to the bolt by a rod, the reason for the huge chunk of metal is it needed to pop the valve open which had about 800 PSI behind it plus move the bolt and paint.

Now that we know you don't need so much pressure since more air at a smaller pressure is adequate and much more efficient.
the design is almost 20 years old so it's to be expected compared to the much newer designs used by companies such as Planet Eclipse or DYE.

So in all honesty it will probably be much smaller with less kick as it takes much less air and pressure to move a BB than a paintball.
What they need is a micro air reg to bring the operating pressure down to under 200psi which is more than enough to push out a 6mm bb.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 11:17   #82
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Okay, so we have gas covered. Obviously you want HPA or CO2, as long as you can control your FPS, also seems covered.

Am I correct in that a remote line means your gun is hard-lined to a tank at all times? If so, that is a step backwards for airsoft. Being untethered is the whole point; no tanks, no hoppers, no paintball downsides. That being said, is there a way to run the "stable gases" like CO2, HPA, etc, from a tank say mounted to your back, or inside of a butt-pack? And then having a line along your side or on your hip, that just "fills" a reservoir inside of a magazine, or inside of a stock or something. So no cartridges, and no hard-line. Is it doable?

Maybe this question was answered in a round about way, but I'm not clear.

So in the clear, "one" gas supply that can be easily, neatly, and appropriately integrated into your gear, like in a molle pouche. Then running a small hose along your side, or hip to a fill nozzle. That nozzle just "fills" magazines or onboard reservoirs in the gun, and does not stay attached. All while using stable gases.

There are currently several magfed paintball brands on the market that use a 13ci hpa tank screwed in the back of the marker, there is a m4 style stock that slides over it, the tank acts as a buffer tube and you do not have to use a remote line at all.
With a setup like this, using the m4 mags you already have would be better than investing in tippmanns proprietary co2 mags.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 13:28   #83
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Originally Posted by ox71 View Post
There are currently several magfed paintball brands on the market that use a 13ci hpa tank screwed in the back of the marker, there is a m4 style stock that slides over it, the tank acts as a buffer tube and you do not have to use a remote line at all.
With a setup like this, using the m4 mags you already have would be better than investing in tippmanns proprietary co2 mags.
We will have to see the physical Tippmann M4 before passing final judgement.

A lot of the times, changes to the final product can occur from trade show feedback.

It does say adjustable velocity and rate of fire. Amazing since it has no electronics.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 14:42   #84
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Without understanding the internal mechanism, there are a few ways I can think of to potentially adjust the ROF of a gas gun without altering the muzzle energy. It's just a matter of controlling air flow and bolt return.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 15:09   #85
Matt 'Maverick' Watts
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Velocity is adjusted the same was as it would be in a paintball marker; via controlling airflow.
Rate of fire is controlled via the response trigger installed.. essentially another point of controlling airflow.
An inline 13ci tank/stock is currently not an option and part of the buffer tube is used for the recoil mechanism.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 15:13   #86
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Does this fire from an open bolt I take it? as in the bolt starts at the back and slings forward when the trigger is pulled?

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Old February 27th, 2014, 17:32   #87
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A little on the low-res side but pulled it off Tippmann's fb page. Has a bit more info and specs listed.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old February 27th, 2014, 17:44   #88
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I can't wait for this to come out, I might start up airsoft again
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Old February 27th, 2014, 17:47   #89
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Originally Posted by Matt 'Maverick' Watts View Post
Velocity is adjusted the same was as it would be in a paintball marker; via controlling airflow.
Rate of fire is controlled via the response trigger installed.. essentially another point of controlling airflow.
An inline 13ci tank/stock is currently not an option and part of the buffer tube is used for the recoil mechanism.
so not a true mechanical full auto then?

With those not familiar with the term, in paintball, a response trigger is basically a trigger that pushes back after you press down on it, forcing a trigger reset. So if u keep your finger pressed down, the trigger will just keep moving back n forth. If tuned right, it can be very fast.

Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
The LVL10 was needed so the mags don't chop paint. But it was also flawed from the start. The LVL10 was a fix to overcome the huge forward force and wasted even more air.
If you're using a mag and thinking bout efficiency, you're doing it wrong hahahaha
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Old February 27th, 2014, 17:58   #90
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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So it's like a bump fire trigger for a semi-only gun? lol
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