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A&K MK43 Mod 0 - Initial Impressions and Upgrade Thread


Doctor's Corner

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Old October 14th, 2015, 12:22   #31
Magwell's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Edmonton, AB
A few updates...

1. The new gearbox was performing superbly until I started getting some weird ROF issues. Turned out the Lonex motor was toast. Popped the A&K motor that came with it back in, and it's been churning out plastic ever since! Oddly enough the new motor that came with the new gearbox was 'jammed'. I believe a foreign object is in there from the factory lol/shipping/storage. Not a big deal, just one less backup part.

2. At the most recent game I attended my motor set screw managed to work it'self loose and is somewhere on that field. I popped the gearbox out back at the HQ, a team mate had some hockey tape in his bag and we used trial an error to get the right thickness of tape then stuck it between the motor and motor cage, and she was back up running with a perfect motor position! The likely cause is I forgot to apply lock tight to the screw in the first place. The backup gearbox will need a new screw now...

On to the fun stuff...

A couple weeks ago a team mate and I were outside my place discussing a high speed/short stroked M4 build he is planning. I joked about 200 rps and a monster box feed system to accompany it. Then I got thinking, hey that's not a bad idea for the '60 (the feed system, not 200rps lol). He apparently had the same thought because he texted me that evening and we got the ball rolling.

Enter the Ironman (jump to 1:22 for the M60E3):


Well that's really cool, but why bother for airsoft?

This argument is pretty solid for the M249, but my biggest gripe about the '60 is the offset weight of the box mag. It's a much more manoeuvrable and shoulder-able weapon without the box mag attached. Not to mention about 1Kg lighter.

So what are the objectives of the Airsoft Ironman Backpack build?

1. Provide increased ammunition capacity to the Gunner

2. Move the weight of ammunition from the gun & ammo pouches to a MOLLE or backback mounted system.

3. Make the system as lightweight and reliable as possible

4. Provide a quick detach system for CQB or other scenarios where the primary weapon system would be a hinderance

5. Incorporate the ability to feed M4 magazines directly to the M60 as is possible with the 249.

Great, how do you do it?

Well nothing is started yet as this will be a fall/winter/spring build but here is the gist:

A modified M60 box mag will provide the feed system and will be mated with a hard shell casing to allow increased storage capacity of ~6 000 rounds, maybe more, even 10 000

From there 1/4" (6mm) ID plastic tube will be fed to a QD plate which mates to a female QD plate bolted to the M60 box rail/support system. The M4 feed system from a 249 box mag will allow for QD of the feed system and a 4 post electrical harness will allow QD of the electronics.

In tandem to the 1/4" hose a 3/8" or 1/2" hose will carry 4 large gauge (probably 14g) wires to the backpack for power supply of the M60 and integration of the box mag, which will be controlled via automotive relay to isolate the circuit for a second battery. This should mean both the box and gun will run longer.

The plastic tubing will be concealed within a dummy feed chute system. The make up of this is still a grey area, likely high density foam, or hollow PVC. Adding too much weight here will completely negate the entire build.

This system may also open the door to a realistic looking polar star powered M60.

The hardest part of this will be the QD plates, but with the right fabrication this connection will operate smoothly.
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Old December 16th, 2015, 12:38   #32
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: North York / Scarborough
Wow. I was about to give up and sell my a&k m60, but I check your post again and you've answered one of my problems again. Thanks for updating this thread!
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