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Looking for Upgradeable LMG/Support Weapon


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old September 1st, 2016, 02:16   #1
Join Date: Jul 2016
Looking for Upgradeable LMG/Support Weapon

Hey Guys,

I currently main a scout/sniper role so I'm often on my own trying to avoid making noise, so I thought it would be a nice change to switch to a assault/support role. While I feel like I have a pretty good idea what AEG's to pick if I were to enter into an assault role, when I look at the various LMG's available (in Canada) I'm less certain about the internal quality, external quality, and upgradeability. The manufacturers that have come up the most when looking for LMG's have been A&K, G&P, G&G, and Classic Army. Let me know if there are any other brands that make worthwhile offerings.

Now, obviously G&G, G&P and Classic Army have a decent reputation since their rifle offerings are generally quite strong, but is there anything I should know about their LMG's. Also, is there anything I should know about A&K? They seem to make a lot of LMG's, but I haven't heard much about them elsewhere. Are there any LMG models that are generally considered to be the "best" out there? How difficult will it be to upgrade them? I heard that LMG gearboxes are different- does that mean that they are not compatible with other parts, or does that mean the pieces used in the gearbox construction are thicker/more durable for sustained fire?

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Old September 3rd, 2016, 08:32   #2
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Saskatchewan
Lmg gearboxes are as simple as a gearbox can get. They generally take ver 2 internals so there plenty of parts around and options too. I currently own and run a classic army mk46 which other than a few small issues like motor adjusting screw self unwinding it has been rock solid with nothing more than removing the green snot grease from the factory. I also picked up a echo1 pkm from a felow asc member and am in love with that gun with its accuracy and range and really isn't a whole lot harder to field than my mk46 other than if you're pushing bush it likes to snag up.

As for brands I don't really know if there a best as I own a classic army and have had zero issues but I know a local guy with same model and brand rifle that it's lucky to make the day. All I do know is g&p saws are very close to real steel weight which can be a plus or minus, classic army you have to pickup a box mag for an extra 100 bucks which if you do just make the jump to a mag brand box mag for bit more cash but is best feeding box mag around. A&k comes with everything and the externals are comparible with classic army with g&p being notch above that (so I have been told repeatedly). So really comes down to your budget especially if you are unsure if you're going to like running around with a 15 lb rifle maybe go a&k and upgrade it as she breaks. Or just get a good m4 and some flash mags haha.
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