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Sniper rifle choice?


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Old December 24th, 2005, 23:38   #16
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God just shut up before you get flame raped...and then this thread gets trashed....
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Old December 24th, 2005, 23:40   #17
Bob the Angry Potato
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He's asking you to stop giving advice that would make this guy waste his money, mm'kay? In the end, it isn't ruining the guy's post, and will probably save a few people from the same thing.
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Old December 24th, 2005, 23:48   #18
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sumojoe14 asked for opinions on the 3 guns he listed, so obviously he's on a budget similar to many airsoft beginners. Even if superior guns like psg/svd/96 are suggested and their qualities are great, chances are sumojoe14 will be like that's cool, but probably go for the starter gun first to give airsoft a try.

True that I didn't actually own the gun. But did used my friends and read reviews on it. That was why I suggested the UTG out of those 3. If you guys have other suggestions for him, sure.
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Old December 24th, 2005, 23:58   #19
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Dude why waste money on a UTG sniper rifle. When you can save up for a good one. If you don't like the good one you can at least have a pretty good resale value and a decent market to sell to. UTGs still have a long way to go before it is good enough to compete against Mauri however their AEG line up is ok. The Sniper Rifle has left much to be desired.
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country ~John F. Kennedy
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Old December 25th, 2005, 00:31   #20
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Not to seem rude but there seems to be more crap from gamer than helpin my situation. (thanks all who have helped though).

To answer greylocks I usually go half way if possible. I am usually satisfied with stuff that works, but it doesnt need to be top of the line. I have had good things with HFC so far, I have a M190 pistol and it works great. I might just end up going with the G- Spec though. I was wondering if anyone knows of a catch with the HFC USR-11. It seems to be an exact clone, except for the stock. I wouldnt mind buying the clone and dropping like $100 and have one that shoots in the 390 fps range. I dont really see a need to go to 500 fps or over 400fps at the present time.

Plus I'm not really cruel enough to shoot someone at that speed..that has to hurt. Anyways thanks for the help...anymore suggestions would be great. thanks.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 00:42   #21
Bob the Angry Potato
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Well, I've heard they are a perfect and equally upgradeable as the VSR, yet I wouldn't know. However, WGC actually agreed to stock them...
However, the VSR's a great bet. No need to cut corners when you can get the real deal.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old December 25th, 2005, 00:57   #22
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by gamer123
I'd choose the UTG one. It is around $100USD and you get bolt action sniper with rail and bipod and good fps. Heard many goods about it.
Your advice sucks so please keep it to yourself until you know what your actually talking about. I'd be interested to know where you heard so many good things about this gun, on second thought, don't bother. Please stop posting and pulling information out of your ass.

Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 01:12   #23
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Gamer, shut the fuck up. When you've been playing for a few years, then you can talk like you are now. FF... thanks!
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Old December 25th, 2005, 01:15   #24
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Kane
Gamer, shut the fuck up. When you've been playing for a few years, then you can talk like you are now. FF... thanks!
No problem. I also banned that twit so until he sneaks back on under a new handle/email addy via a different IP, he will not be able to dispense any more of his shitty advice.

We don't like to post information that is so readily available on the net with a simple Google search but if I were you, and were to buy one of the three you mentioned I'd stick with quality. Quality being Mariu's VSR G-Spec.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 01:24   #25
Bob the Angry Potato
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Hmm... perhaps banning was a bit harsh, but it's all your decision. Perhaps a temp. ban or some warnings would have sufficed?
Actually, nah. He'd talked back, and been a general all-round asshole... forget it.
Anyways, most people up here, and pretty much anywhere, believe 'you get what you pay for'. Don't settle for less when, for a bit more, you could get something that'll last you a lot longer.
That's why up here, most retailers don't stock crap or starter-AEGs.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old December 25th, 2005, 01:26   #26
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato
Hmm... perhaps banning was a bit harsh, but it's all your decision. Perhaps a temp. ban or some warnings would have sufficed?
Actually, nah. He'd talked back, and been a general all-round asshole... forget it.
He's been warned by many people, and not just by the mods. He got what was coming to him.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 01:27   #27
Bob the Angry Potato
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Ah, didn't know that... good job, then.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old December 25th, 2005, 01:53   #28
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Merry Christmas everyone.................

Buy the friggin VSR !!!!!!!!LOL
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Old December 25th, 2005, 03:13   #29
Rumpel Felt
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Buy what you like. All the well known brands (Maruzen, TM, erm can't think of any others) will juat have to be upgraded and eccesorized anyway. My L96 is great. Also, are the TM snipers plastic like everything else they make?
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Old December 25th, 2005, 03:21   #30
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I'd just save up for a Maruzen L96... and since you're in the States. You have the advantage of buying something cheaper compare to us in Canada.
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