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Sniper rifle choice?


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Old December 25th, 2005, 14:02   #31
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Minnesota US
Yeah, thanks for all the information guys. I think I'm just going to go with the G-Spec. I dont think I need to save up for a L96, would be fun but not needed. Yeah I cant imagine what you guys are going through. I haven't ordered anything outside the US so I don't know what customs are like here. It looks like it can be a pain for you guys.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 14:15   #32
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You should contact U.S. players too about upgrades and such. MN has a few local teams. is a great resource for U.S. players. Merry Chrismas
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old December 25th, 2005, 14:29   #33
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All we want is for you not to be disappointed. Correct, you dont need a top of the line gun, but you also dont need the bottom of the barrel.

If you spend even a little money and get pissed off, you are no better than before.

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Old December 25th, 2005, 16:20   #34
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The guy said he's gonna go with the Gspec. That aint the bottom of the barrel. far from it. It's a great starter gun. Not only that but you could always upgrade it as you need it and it'll stand up to most of the other expensive BA's. It's very easy to maintain and even in stock form it shoots quite accurate. As long as you don't have a distorted vision of airsoft snipers, you should be quite happy with it.

Here's a great compilation of sniper rifle reviews I used when I was shoppin for my BA to get a better understanding of how they stack with each other.

If you have other questions, many of us on here including me use the VSR regularly for gaming and can help you with anything from upgrades to playing style. And a bunch that use L96's (though i've only ever seen one fielded and something went wrong with the trigger half way through the game)

Though I would take the other's advice to check up on US prices since they should be far better than what we have here.

Have fun with your new gun.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 16:56   #35
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I meant the other gun, not the G-spec. Geeze, do I have to spell out everything? The Marui guns ARE fine like I said from the start.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 17:09   #36
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Its ok guys it was just a misunderstanding. Valcrow thought you were dissing the G-Spec and looks like many would defend it. You guys have been a good help. I will come back if I have more questions.

Ok i just thought of one. I would like to shoot about 380-390 fps, if i upgrade the spring to the laylax 120 do I need to upgrade the cylinder head and the spring guide right away? or could Get away with it for a while. And would this raise it to this volocity with .25 bb's? thanks.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 21:04   #37
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useing the 120 spring you should use a high pressure piston and spring guide, the stock cyl and head are fine to start, I would also suggest trigger and piston sears, though a 120 spring is not real stiff, the last thing you want, when not expecting it is, a piston sear breaking?

useing .25 BB's will drop your FPS, but you will want to use .25 or better yet .30 with any other spring than stock! lighter BB's will not be stable or have hop-up effect on them as the heavey BB's do.

just some expearances I have had, hope they help.
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Old December 25th, 2005, 22:32   #38
a.k.a. SniperChic
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I use a APS 2 SV made my Maruzen, its fully upgraded, I have been using this BA for a while now and have to say its extremely accurate, this is after making several adjustments on the hopup, my record with this is nailing a guy in the goggles at the LZ from just over 200ft, this of course the weather permited, thank god there was no wind.

As previously said, BA's out of the box dont have the range therefore you need to upgrade them to have the effective range in the sniper role in airsoft, I recieved my BA fully upgraded, so im not sure what the APS's shoot outta the box. I dont find alot of negative things to say for the APS's but they are expensive to upgrade, but once upgraded, your scope is zeroed and your hopup adjusted, your game. The only negative thing i have to say other than upgrades are expensive, is the hopup, if you dont adjust the hopup correctly, the bb's will go their own direction, and there are 2 lil screws to adjust my hopup, again once your set you dont have to worry about adjusting your hopup until you use different weighted bb's. keep in mind that the APS SV comes with a fixed hopup, which is factory setted for the Maruzen .29g bb's, which is why i upgraded my barrel/hopup so i can adjust the hopup with different weighted bb;s, but mine is set for .36's.

happy hunting :wink:
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Old December 26th, 2005, 02:35   #39
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Always depends on the shooter. I own a Tanaka M24, it used to be stock but withing 15 days from now, it will be fully upgraded. Even stock the power and accuracy was amazing but not enoughtfor me. I usally get sniper hits a 150-175fts with it depending on the weather, Awesome weapon, well built and quality. Anyway as they say, its not the rifle that makes the shooter but the shooter that makes the reputation of the weapon.
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Old December 26th, 2005, 10:02   #40
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I had a KJW M700 gas sniper and it was lots of fun, although a spring rifle will be a lot more consistent and usable in cold weather. You can get rifles that will do both in fact, with a bolt swap. One guy here has a Sun Project M40 that takes both but he mainly sticks to spring. Out of the choices you listed I'd also vote for the Marui VSR-10 G-Spec too.

Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
No problem. I also banned that twit so until he sneaks back on under a new handle/email addy via a different IP, he will not be able to dispense any more of his shitty advice.
Not able to ban by MAC address? That would solve the re-registering issue if they have a dynamic IP. At least if they wanted to get back on you'd be forcing them to spend money on a new network card. :lol:
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Old January 27th, 2006, 09:42   #41
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I second that. I have a stock G-spec and I couldn't be happier with it.
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Old February 1st, 2006, 13:05   #42
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Originally Posted by W.K.Shuridys
Not able to ban by MAC address? That would solve the re-registering issue if they have a dynamic IP. At least if they wanted to get back on you'd be forcing them to spend money on a new network card. :lol:
<THREADJACK>The problem with that is there's enough routers out there that allow you to change their mac address so that if you're saddled with a crap ISP (*cough* Telus *cough*) you can make your router match the MAC they have on file.</THREADJACK>
On that note I have a VSR-10 G-Spec on order. Can't wait to get it out to a game.
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Old February 1st, 2006, 21:24   #43
a.k.a. SniperChic
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It will be fun, once you have the VSR and any other sniper rifle set, you will have a great time, given that you have patience and dicipline :cheers: I will not comment on the VSR as I dont have one, I did fire it and found it to be pleasent.
Bolt Action Level 3 Certified
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Old February 1st, 2006, 21:35   #44
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If you plan to upgrade your vsr use a zero trigger. It has a piston and completely upgraded sears. I was recommended to do this since its really high quality and resolves all the problems they were initially having. Quantis informed me that the zero trigger is the way to go. I plan to slap a zero trigger 150sp spring and a spring guide in mine right away. A tightbore and new hopup are later.
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 13:25   #45
a.k.a. SniperChic
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Originally Posted by bean
If you plan to upgrade your vsr use a zero trigger. It has a piston and completely upgraded sears. I was recommended to do this since its really high quality and resolves all the problems they were initially having. Quantis informed me that the zero trigger is the way to go. I plan to slap a zero trigger 150sp spring and a spring guide in mine right away. A tightbore and new hopup are later.
Ive got a zero trigger on my APS2, made by first factory. I have to say its great quality. Unfortunatly its pricey, Ive seen it priced for $120-130 usd, luckely when I bought my APS2 it was already upgraded :-D
Bolt Action Level 3 Certified
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