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Do you wear a BDU / Harness / Etc. to Airsoft games?


Gear Discussion

View Poll Results: What do you equip when readying yourself for an Airsoft game?
Military BDUs 293 84.68%
Police, SWAT, etc. uniforms / BDUs 30 8.67%
No I don't dress up at all. 23 6.65%
Voters: 346. You may not vote on this poll

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Old May 21st, 2006, 18:41   #16
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Originally Posted by Fluffy
Dress like them...

You'll get quite the warm welcome.

(This was a joke, but it reminded me we had a guy show up in paintball gear a few times. I haven't seen him in a while though, so who knows what happened.)
Um....why is the second last guy Nekkid???? I guess he gets hit a lot and decided not to wash clothes at all....
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Old May 21st, 2006, 19:01   #17
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
Funny though how you'll get alot of people with $500 of clothing on yet the're sporting a PLASTIC gun and calling it full realism.

I like to put my money towards weapons rather than gear. No plastic or batteries taped to the side of gun for me. However, I dislike BDU's and would only consider them for a hardcore, 3 day woodland type event. Which ain't likely so I'll stick with my black, well, everything. I also like to run so a shit load of gear doesn't work for me. Plus everyones wearing gear from this or that era so it still doesn't make much sense to me.
You know, I second that to, infact I did that. I collected my money and bought a good AEG with lots of goodies with it. Then I bought a solid GBB with a nice add on package with it. and so far on gear, hmm ive spent maybe 50 bucks on clothes and equipment?

Doesnt mean I wont spend a lil more later on a good LBV and such, but for starting out new, spend the money on a gun that wont have you spending more and more on upgrades or worse case, new parts.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 19:30   #18
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Originally Posted by Fluffy
Dress like them...

You'll get quite the warm welcome.

(This was a joke, but it reminded me we had a guy show up in paintball gear a few times. I haven't seen him in a while though, so who knows what happened.)
***sigh*** it shames me, but i too you too be one of "those" guys.... (posed)
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 19:43   #19
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Originally Posted by swatt13
Originally Posted by Fluffy
Dress like them...

You'll get quite the warm welcome.

(This was a joke, but it reminded me we had a guy show up in paintball gear a few times. I haven't seen him in a while though, so who knows what happened.)
***sigh*** it shames me, but i too you too be one of "those" guys.... (posed)
Im not really sure what the heck you just tried to say..........Care to rephrase that?
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Old May 21st, 2006, 19:59   #20
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Out of curiousity, how often do people come as PMC's? I mean for a cqb game would that be such a bad thing?

I know it depends on the game rules etc. but I was just wondering.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 20:05   #21
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Originally Posted by integratyperx
Out of curiousity, how often do people come as PMC's?
Very few I would imagine, there's no variation in the kit. Oakley sunglasses and boots, khaki pants, Nike ballcap, kitchen-sink M4, and a plate carrier.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 20:11   #22
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theres are a few guys in calgary that i know go for the PMC look. its a cheap t-shirt/long sleve, khaki pants, something for head wear, a LBV/plate carrier worth me then my gun and a riced out gun of some kind not always a armalite but most of the time they are.

look at the first guy on the right thats a base line PMC kit
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Old May 21st, 2006, 21:02   #23
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I've seen lots of guys show up in lots of kit, from full on MIL setups, to a hoodie and jeans. One 'tard showed up with a bunch of bookbag straps (black nylon webbing with steel and plastic snap rings) around himself in a grey work suit, when I asked what he'd come as, he said some video game character. When I asked him what the straps were for he told me rappeling, I couldn't help it but I burst out laughing. If this guy was going to rap with his bookbag straps, not even a swiss seat or riggers belt, much less a real climbing harness, I wanted to see it, I'm a hardcore Darwinist.

Most guys will wear military combats (BDU's) when playing where we play. Not much call for greys or blacks like the SWAT look. Out in the temperate forests black really does stand out. We really don't have much call for straight up CQC games around here, it's very much green ops land.

Go with the look you like the most, do a little research on and the like, then pick a look and build that "impression" up. In the past I've mostly done the Brit look, but lately I'm intersted in the US SF ODA sort of look.

Do yourself a favour though and don't just get one set, get a couple of sets of different combats you never know when you'll have to dress up as the "bad guy".

rainman -- oot


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Old May 21st, 2006, 21:23   #24
I use camo cause it helps me hide = more kills
I wear a LBV/vest cause it helps me carry more ammo = more kills

I do not wear stuff so I can pretend to be a solider.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 21:40   #25
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Since I'm a newb, I'm not full equip on BDU's. But for me, I've chose to get a wood or cadpat and ad a black tac vest and a black holster. The kind of Special force look.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 21:41   #26
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Oh crap, i answered before reading the post. I thought he meant who dress's up in camo whilst prepping your gear (like the night before)... lol
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Old May 21st, 2006, 21:43   #27
Originally Posted by Mustang019
Since I'm a newb, I'm not full equip on BDU's. But for me, I've chose to get a wood or cadpat and ad a black tac vest and a black holster. The kind of Special force look.

Cadpat = excellent camo
black = terrible cammo

cadpat + black = not good camo and definatly not the special forces it gets really hot and stinky in a black vest in the sun.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 21:49   #28
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Well, sucks in the field, but in a CQB situation, black LBV over cadpat looks fairly FIBUA/SWAT style, which when armed with a bullpup, makes for CQB funnery.

And besides, the LBV also can carry essential supplies other than ammo. First aid kit, compass, Fox 40 Whistle, map, change of socks and underwear, candy bars, smokes, etc. All the more reason to wear one.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 22:03   #29
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I wear for the field and my gun.Cadpat works very well in my area, so thats what I have. I only wear a LBV when I carry my m-16 and 12 mag's.But I ditch the vest and go lite while pack'n a shotty.
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Old May 21st, 2006, 22:20   #30
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I see some of your BDU works well. I get pissed all the time at games I attended because I get shot all the time. "How did you see me!? I am wearing all white!" Bwehehehe. J/K.....

I am still building my Marpat BDU. Works well on the field where we play.
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