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Old April 15th, 2007, 23:53   #121
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
uh... wha!??
Sorry. That's what happens when you copy posts.
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Old April 16th, 2007, 00:37   #122
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1) Manufacturer, Model Name
Tokyo Mauri MP5K
2) Date Obtained
July 2006
3) Initial Cost
4) New or Used
5) Mechanical Problems (Gearbox issues, hop-up issues.. basically functional performance related)
6) Aesthetic Problems (Paint damage, cracks in body, loose parts.. physical construction related)
Paint on metal parts (selector switch, buttplate etc.) rubbing off
7) Rounds fired between failures (think how many bags of BBs used before it failed)
30,000 + myself and no problems
8)Changes to Internals (upgrades, dates)
PDI 130% + Systema oilless bushings, September 2006
9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.
10) Optional - Notes and Comments
Had 2 previous owners, if I recall correctly.
Also came w/ battery, 2 low caps, K-mag, flashlight, briefcase, sling and RAS
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Old April 16th, 2007, 00:40   #123
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1) Manufacturer, Model Name
Tokyo Mauri MP7
2) Date Obtained
September 2006
3) Initial Cost
4) New or Used
5) Mechanical Problems (Gearbox issues, hop-up issues.. basically functional performance related)
6) Aesthetic Problems (Paint damage, cracks in body, loose parts.. physical construction related)
Paint on metal parts (selector switch, buttplate etc.) rubbing off, selector switch decals wearing down
7) Rounds fired between failures (think how many bags of BBs used before it failed)
10,000 no failures
8)Changes to Internals (upgrades, dates)
9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.
10) Optional - Notes and Comments
Had 2 previous owners. Fielded only twice before purchase.
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Old April 16th, 2007, 05:20   #124
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Location: Cambridge On
1) Make and Model
-- ICS M4
2) Date Purchased
-- september 05
3) Cost
-- 670
4) New/Used?
-- new
5) Mechanical Problems
-- electrical contacts in the switch burnt out
-- broke the spring that pushes the hop up back off
6) Esthetic Problems
-- none
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- 12-14K
8) Changes to Internals & Externals
-- new spring (06)
-- G&P CQB front end, G&P crane stock (07)
9) Resale Date and Value
-- N/A
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Old April 16th, 2007, 05:28   #125
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Cambridge On
1) Make and Model
-- CA15a4 (rifle)
2) Date Purchased
-- feb 06
3) Cost
-- 500?
4) New/Used?
-- Used
5) Mechanical Problems
-- piston cracked, nozzel shattered tapet plate broke (first time I used it)
6) Esthetic Problems
-- none
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- around 300 from me
8) Changes to Internals & Externals
-- put systema complete box in(20k rounds with no problem)
9) Resale Date Aand Value
-- N/A

Last edited by walks; April 25th, 2007 at 13:37..
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Old April 16th, 2007, 05:38   #126
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Saskatoon/Moose Jaw
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1) Make and Model
-- Tokyo Marui M4A1
3) Cost
-- ~$560
4) New/Used?
-- New
5) Mechanical Problems
-- Didn't seat the motor properly once, had some troubles getting it positioned just right, and there was a problem with the wiring shorted out (all fixed, working great now) - Both issues occurred near the end of the 2006 season.
6) Esthetic Problems
-- Rear receiver pin fell out, replaced with a nut and bolt - 2006
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- ~2000, and growing every game
8) Changes to Internals
-- none, all stock
9) Resale Date and Value
-- I'm keeping it, but if I were to sell it today, I would sell it for $600-$650 (due to the rail system, red-dot sight and reinforced outer barrel I've put on it, I don't have the original front end any more)
10) Comments
-- Been very happy for this gun, other than the wiring problem.

Last edited by Cushak; April 18th, 2007 at 15:38..
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Old April 16th, 2007, 08:39   #127
blueblaster's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Vancouver
1) Manufacturer, Model Name

G&P M249 ranger

2) Date Obtained

March 2007

3) Initial Cost

1800 CA

4) New or Used


5) Mechanical Problems

the mechanism that makes the cocking sound when u cock the gunto load (audio effect only), the spring popped and disappeared when lending it for another player....still attempting to fix it

6) Esthetic Problems

Bipod was installed backwards i assume, because i couldnt lock the bipod properly when deployed.

7) Rounds fired between failures

just below 10,000 and so far hasnt fail

8) Changes to Internals and Externals


9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.


10)Notes and Comments (Optional)
Rate of Fire exceeds the same models from TOP that i have seen.

1) Manufacturer, Model Name

- Redwolf custom SL-8

2) Date Obtained

-March 2006

3) Initial Cost

-1800 with internal upgrades

4) New or Used


5) Mechanical Problems (Gearbox issues, hopup issues.. basically functional performance related -- supply date of


6) Esthetic Problems (Paint damage, cracks in body, loose parts.. physical construction related -- supply date of

-Loose fire selector, Feb 2007

7) Rounds fired between failures (think how many bags of BB's used before it failed. If no failure, list rounds fired
up to this point)

-At least 20 games worth of BBs fired semi-automatically

8) Changes to Internals and Externals (upgrades, mods, dates)

Real SL-8 carrying handle installed
- Standard Redwolf Level 4 Upgrade when purchased.
1. Install Prometheus spring
2. Systema Bearing middle gear
3. Systema Steel bushings
4. Systema Hi Torque gears
5. Battery Compartment Mods
6. Systema Directional Piston Head
7. Systema Bearing Rear Spring Guide
8. Install Deep Fire Titanium Piston (Titanium Teeth)
9. Fuse removal

9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.


10)Notes and Comments (Optional)
Almost the entire rifle is constructed by ABS

1) Manufacturer, Model Name

G&P SPR with G&P M203 long

2) Date Obtained

August 2005

3) Initial Cost

1000 CA with scope, without M203

4) New or Used


5) Mechanical Problems

Piston broke and fixed once

6) Esthetic Problems

Stock wobbles very slightly

7) Rounds fired between failures

3 bags or so

8) Changes to Internals and Externals

New piston

9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.


10)Notes and Comments (Optional)

1) Manufacturer, Model Name

G&G GR16-R2

2) Date Obtained

November 2006

3) Initial Cost

630 CA

4) New or Used


5) Mechanical Problems

Hop up failure

6) Esthetic Problems

the front sling ring swings free causing loud noise

7) Rounds fired between failures

Recieved with Hop up problem

8) Changes to Internals and Externals

new hop up system installed

9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.


10)Notes and Comments (Optional)

1) Manufacturer, Model Name

Tanaka M700 AICS

2) Date Obtained

August 2006

3) Initial Cost

800 CA

4) New or Used


5) Mechanical Problems

Inconsistancy in the trejectury of BBs, possibly caused by the inconsistancy in the gas output or BBs heavier than .36s are needed

6) Esthetic Problems

7) Rounds fired between failures


8) Changes to Internals and Externals

Not yet

9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.


10)Notes and Comments (Optional)

1) Manufacturer, Model Name

TM G36 with Star AG36

2) Date Obtained

October 2006

3) Initial Cost

1150 CA including AG36

4) New or Used


5) Mechanical Problems

N/A so far

6) Esthetic Problems

The right side of the fire selector of AG36 is broken. G36 shows signs of loose fire selector as well.

7) Rounds fired between failures

around 2000 rounds

8) Changes to Internals and Externals

Longer Inner outer barrel, G&P metal G36 carrying handle with 3.5x scope and rail on the top

9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.


10)Notes and Comments (Optional)

Last edited by blueblaster; April 24th, 2007 at 19:39..
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Old April 16th, 2007, 10:54   #128
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Calgary
1) Make and Model
-- KSC Glock 18c
2) Date Purchased
-- February 2006
3) Cost
-- $260
4) New/Used?
-- New
5) Mechanical Problems
-- Screw that holds gas chamber in came loose, which stopped the slide from cycling. Used low-strength locktite, hasn't been a problem since.
-- Mag catch and feed ramp seem to wear quickly but has yet to be a problem.
6) Esthetic Problems
-- Front sight came off, never to be seen again.
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- 1k rounds through before the screw issue, probably 5k since with no issue.
8) Changes to Internals & Externals
-- G&P metal slide & outer barrel, Guarder recoil rod and spring, Proud luminous night sights (one of the glow inserts fell out of the back of the rear sight within a week), Guarder steel mag catch.
9) Resale Date and Value
-- N/A
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Old April 16th, 2007, 10:57   #129
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Calgary
1) Make and Model
-- ICS M4 Full Stock
2) Date Purchased
-- February 2006
3) Cost
-- $640
4) New/Used?
-- New
5) Mechanical Problems
-- None
6) Esthetic Problems
-- None
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- 10k+
8) Changes to Internals & Externals
-- Three point sling, carry handle sight mount
9) Resale Date and Value
-- N/A
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Old April 16th, 2007, 11:39   #130
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I don't see any reviews for G&P producs, so here is one.

1)Manufacturer, Model Name
2) Date Obtained
- late in season of 2005 (sorry can not be specific, have had it for a long time.
3) Initial Cost
-$650ish I think
4) New or Used
5) Mechanical Problems
- Worked perfectly for 2 day long games, then began to fire full auto while on Semi. Then stopped working all together. Replaced tappet plate, and then selector switch plate. All other mechanical items seemed intact, but gear box would still not fully work. After working with it for a bit, I decide to take it to a game and it ceased function after about 4 mags. Just stopped working, this problem may have been electrical in nature(although it was apperent that the mechanical problems had not fully gone away). I got tired of trying to deal with it so I just picked up a Systema M120 complete mech box, and put that in, now it runs perfect.
-An additional note, The electrical wiring is very thin. The insulation on the wiring is also very thin, and may wear or break on its own where it is rubbing or up against something. I would suggest replacement with some heavier wiring. This thin wiring may have been the cause of my second failure due to grounding out.
6) Esthetic Problems
- No problems at all
7) Rounds fired between failures
- 1000
8) Changes to Internals and Externals (upgrades, mods, dates)
- Systema M120 complete mech box. Added Paq4, Harris Bypod, NSN ACOG /w Doctor Optic, Tango down vertical grip.
I have not played a game on new mech box yet, only tested mags in house.
9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.
- N/A
10)Notes and Comments (Optional)
To do with the Mechanical aspect. After replacing items which were in question (tappet plate and selector switch both Promethius I believe) All other internals seemed intact, as well as shimming and condition of all parts. After the mech box was put back together the nozzle seemed “sticky”. It would move back, but then not move forward without being pulled. The tappet plate was then sanded down a bit to thin it out in hopes of allowing for a bit more movement but not allowing it to stick. Very little was accomplished through this, but it did move on its own. The selector switch plate was a bit stiff while switching between SA/SE/A, but still worked. I decided to try it out at a game, but after only a few mags it just stopped working. No mechanical sound at all, no sound of the motor or gears trying to move. This is why I assumed it was electrical/wiring in nature. I did not really try to figure out what was wrong with it after that. I just did a WGC order and ordered a Systema M120 complete gear box. Problems solved.

-G&P full stock, it is near completely hollow. Even with a large battery, it rattles around inside. May want to put some foam, or something else in the stock around the battery to prevent it from moving/rattling around while moving. It is kinda annoying.
ASC is like a car crash. You dont want to look at it, but you just do.
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Old April 16th, 2007, 15:56   #131
Hauptmann Dosman
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1) Make and Model
-- M4A1, TM
2) Date Purchased
-- September 2004
3) Cost
-- $525 + battery
4) New/Used?
-- New, however I have my suspicions as to whether this is true or not.
5) Mechanical Problems
-- 2006-Present - Trigger jams while shooting in semi. Switching to full and shooting a few rounds solves problem and semi works again. Fails every 500-800 rounds
6) Esthetic Problems
-- August - September 2005 (not sure of the exact date) One rear tab split and broke. Attempted to repair. Initially worked but broke again at the end of October 2005. "Tempoary" repair (I did this and was planning on purchasing another M4 but have not gotten around to it b/c college came first) by putting a bolt in place of pin and tightening just beyond finger tight. (my be the cause of my fire select problem)
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- approx 15000 (if memory serves me correct, I will check and edit)
8) Changes to Internals & Externals
-- N/A
9) Resale Date and Value
-- Never
10)Notes and Comments
-- I love my M4 and I will always have one in my collection. It works great despite the fire select and reciever tab problem. Whether using irons or aimpoint I can hit a 8.5"x11" target (piece of paper), everytime, all the time.

If I knew there was this much walking, I would have joined the Navy!
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Old April 16th, 2007, 18:42   #132
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Richmond Hill, Ontario
1) Manufacturer, Model Name (name of weapon on box, and weapon replicated if different from model name)
- Western Arms Beretta Perfect Version
2) Date Obtained
- 2005
3) Initial Cost
- $350
4) New or Used
- New
5) Mechanical Problems (Gearbox issues, hopup issues.. basically functional performance related -- supply date of issue)
- Slowly developed a "full-auto" problem due to a worn-down sear
- While on "safe", trigger is able to still activate the hammer, although not enough to actually fire the weapon. Even so, a physical barrier blocking the firing pin would prevent his occurence
6) Esthetic Problems (Paint damage, cracks in body, loose parts.. physical construction related -- supply date of issue)
- None
7) Rounds fired between failures (think how many bags of BB's used before it failed. If no failure, list rounds fired up to this point)
- 1000 rounds
8) Changes to Internals and Externals (upgrades, mods, dates)
- None
9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.
- Sold it shortly after developing full auto problem
10)Notes and Comments (Optional)
- Great looking-and-feeling gun, but overall not very accurate nor reliable.
- WA's valving system allows the gun to be fired upside down for those "John Woo" moments, although would be useless if hop-up was enabled.
- I've owned 6 WA Beretta PV's, all of them eventually developing the same problem
- Impresses the chicks, especially if you have 4 of them.
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Old April 16th, 2007, 20:14   #133
Bravo One-Six
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All posts updated! Woo!

"Solving an imaginary world's contrived and over dramatic problems... 6 millimeters at a time."
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Old April 16th, 2007, 21:15   #134
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
1) Make and Model
-- M249 MKII, Classic Army
2) Date Purchased
-- September 2006
3) Cost
-- $1500
4) New/Used?
-- New
5) Mechanical Problems
-- Stock none, After upgrading had fps loss, found out is was a Systema Alum Piston Head and a lack of grease.
6) Esthetic Problems
-- None yet.
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- 5000 before FPS problem 2000 after piston broke to date
8) Changes to Internals & Externals
-- CA Bore up kit
-- M120 Spring
-- Systema BB Spring Guide
-- CA High torque Up Gear set
-- Metal Feed cover with Rail
-- H&K Green Tac Laser
-- CA Replica Elcan
9) Resale Date and Value
-- nothing yet...value over 1950$
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Old April 16th, 2007, 21:21   #135
Join Date: Feb 2005
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You have

CM 028-S -- 1

Under Crosman instead of Cyma
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