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Old April 29th, 2007, 20:41   #76
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Surrey, BC.
Ok, Im a complete newb to the sport of airsoft but Im very interested in it and I want to contribute as much as I can. From what I understand, when you have a sort of grey area in the law such as an airsoft gun being or not being a firearm/replica/bb gun etc you can take it to court and get a judge to clearify the law but it is not cheap. If someone then disputes his decision it goes back to a higher court where it is again reclearified and so on.

I think the best solution to this is to get a forum going specifically for the issue and getting as many ideas and help as we can to get the ball rolling but I don't think there will be a simple or quick solution to the matter. IMO if we simply fight for airsoft to be legalized with no real restrictions we will be ignored and simply lose the fight. I think that we are better off to bring forward a plan that will look very good in the "soccer mom's" eyes such as maybe a Provincial Airsoft Licence, much like a Fire Arm Certificate. Only licenced retailers can import, only licenced owners can purchase and use airsoft guns. Take a safty course to get your certificate and even when you are certified you can only use or play airsoft on a registered airsoft field and/or private property which is zoned for use of firearms. The 18+ age restriction is a good start, kids can still play just the same as a kid can fire a legal firearm but they cannot own one and must be with an adult who holds a valid F.A.C and he is responsible for the minor. This can be discussed much further but my point is, if we are going to be taken seriously then we need to bring forward a strong plan and we might even get the "soccer moms" to agree with us and get those damn walmart crapsoft guns that are takin out eyeballs banned cause they are gonna be the end of airsoft for all of us.

I don't think an online petition will do anything at all other than get a head count on how many people will stand up and fight with us. A forum on the other hand will bring forward a game plan and hopefully some helpful people who can steer us all in the right direction on how to come forward and get the law changed or at least get airsoft its own section in the books.
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Old April 29th, 2007, 22:37   #77
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Originally Posted by McFly View Post
Ok, Im a complete newb to the sport of airsoft but Im very interested in it and I want to contribute as much as I can. From what I understand, when you have a sort of grey area in the law such as an airsoft gun being or not being a firearm/replica/bb gun etc you can take it to court and get a judge to clearify the law but it is not cheap. If someone then disputes his decision it goes back to a higher court where it is again reclearified and so on.

I think the best solution to this is to get a forum going specifically for the issue and getting as many ideas and help as we can to get the ball rolling but I don't think there will be a simple or quick solution to the matter. IMO if we simply fight for airsoft to be legalized with no real restrictions we will be ignored and simply lose the fight. I think that we are better off to bring forward a plan that will look very good in the "soccer mom's" eyes such as maybe a Provincial Airsoft Licence, much like a Fire Arm Certificate. Only licenced retailers can import, only licenced owners can purchase and use airsoft guns. Take a safty course to get your certificate and even when you are certified you can only use or play airsoft on a registered airsoft field and/or private property which is zoned for use of firearms. The 18+ age restriction is a good start, kids can still play just the same as a kid can fire a legal firearm but they cannot own one and must be with an adult who holds a valid F.A.C and he is responsible for the minor. This can be discussed much further but my point is, if we are going to be taken seriously then we need to bring forward a strong plan and we might even get the "soccer moms" to agree with us and get those damn walmart crapsoft guns that are takin out eyeballs banned cause they are gonna be the end of airsoft for all of us.

I don't think an online petition will do anything at all other than get a head count on how many people will stand up and fight with us. A forum on the other hand will bring forward a game plan and hopefully some helpful people who can steer us all in the right direction on how to come forward and get the law changed or at least get airsoft its own section in the books.
You desperatly need to read what's already been beaten to death on this forum.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 30th, 2007, 00:21   #78
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You need to read my first line again. I can't read years of posts when my first interest in airsoft was 2 days ago. I did read this thread though.
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Old April 30th, 2007, 01:38   #79
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Originally Posted by McFly View Post
You need to read my first line again. I can't read years of posts when my first interest in airsoft was 2 days ago. I did read this thread though.
Then the proper thing to do wold be to go and read those years of posts.

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Old April 30th, 2007, 01:48   #80
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This is just an idea, will most likely get shot down but, maybe someone could start a petition, mail it to an airsofter and get everyone from that city to sign then they could mail it out again. If it was organized right It wouldn't take TOO long. Then mail it to parliment or whomever. Just an idea.
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ASC violated you in ways your uncle never did.
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Old April 30th, 2007, 09:54   #81
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Originally Posted by McFly
Ok, Im a complete newb to the sport of airsoft but Im very interested in it and I want to contribute as much as I can
And the one thing we constantly tell noobs is to go and read what's already on the forum here. So, go and read what's already on the forum here.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old May 3rd, 2007, 15:43   #82
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I agree with whats being said here, I mean does our government really have nothing better to do with their time honestly. I get the safety concerns but if proper precautions are taken then airsoft is a lot like playing paint ball just a hell of a lot more fun.
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Old May 3rd, 2007, 18:29   #83
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I mean does our government really have nothing better to do with their time honestly.
That's why they're the government... :P
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Old May 3rd, 2007, 18:47   #84
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The recent uproar with the Team Canada captain should answer that question nicely.
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Old May 6th, 2007, 02:22   #85
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For all it is worth to you guys what a 15 year olds thought is that it is easyer for me to get my hands on a sks and 1800 rounds of ammo then to get a cheap non-clear airsoft gun I mean come on I have a minnors permit yet I cant import a freaking airsoft gun
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Old May 6th, 2007, 10:09   #86
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Originally Posted by teen_airsoft View Post
For all it is worth to you guys what a 15 year olds thought is that it is easyer for me to get my hands on a sks and 1800 rounds of ammo then to get a cheap non-clear airsoft gun I mean come on I have a minnors permit yet I cant import a freaking airsoft gun
Yes, and we've been through the reasons for this.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old May 7th, 2007, 02:03   #87
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you are having good ideas, but there is always that one guy in this fourm that shoots down an idea, and we have to stop listening to these nay sayers, and find an idea and just go with it, cause if we don't, there soccer moms will just get more and more political backing, and to answer a responce to one of my prior posts, i quite closly know a retired provincial BC judge, and i wont givve his name out because i respect his disire to have a private life, but im sure he would help me with any legal situations, and if you direct questions so me, i could ask him. And finally, here is my letter i sent off already many times, sorry it took a week to respond, but i was occupied. Now it many not be 100% accurate, or entirely proper but its a start, and id welcome your letters, or a revised one of mine.

Dear The Honourable Stockwell Day:

Hello, my name is (withheld) , I am a student who lives in Terrace, B.C., I have a problem that I believe regards to your area of politics. My problem, which in no way is limited to just me, is in regards to a form of recreation which you may or may not of heard of, it is called Airsoft, however it may also be titled as "soft air". The problem in question is that Airsoft is in a "grey area" of Canadian Customs Law. You see, as far as I can tell from the Customs' website, Airsoft is a replica firearm, however, in my opinion, it is not a replica firearm. From my understanding, in order for a object to be considered a replica firearm, it must be made to exactly recreate a firearm, while Airsoft is not intended to recreate a firearm, while many look similar to the real gun, they have many different parts. The first and most noticeable difference is the blaze orange tip at the end of the barrel, that is required to be at least .7cm (.25 inch) long. I am not sure, and you may correct me if I am wrong, but i think this may only be an American law, however, I have seen it used on many toys and other sport guns in Canada. Also, no Airsoft gun I have seen fires over 500 FPS (Feet Per Second), the minimum speed a gun must shoot a projectile in order to be a firearm. For these reasons, as well as others, I am unsure why Airsoft is still considered a replica firearm, and why it is often not allowed to cross from overseas, or from the USA and enter Canada, and yet sometimes it is. I know there is the argument to be made that Airsoft guns can be used in a robbery, however so can far more readily available items, such as knives, baseball bats, or other items, these objects are also far cheaper then Airsoft. Also i have heard the argument that it is dangerous, however, so is paintball, hockey, soccer, baseball, even tennis or golf, and these sports are 100% legal. To add to that, I could not find one case where someone was killed or seriously injured in an Airsoft or an Airsoft related accident, or purposeful event, while deaths in or relating to the sports, excluding paintball, I mentioned earlier were everywhere. So I ask you, is that fair? And a final argument iv heard is, "well yes, Airsoft has not killed anyone YET", but you see, if everyone who plays wears proper safety gear, only eye and possibly ear protection is needed, the worse someone will get from being shot by an Airsoft gun is a small welt no bigger then a small insect bit.

These reasons are why I wonder why it is almost impossible to get an Airsoft "gun" over the border. You see, it is often up to the customs officer to decide if the "gun" makes it over the border, because i have had friends get an Airsoft over the border, and yet the next time they do not, this even has happened to a local gun and tackle store here. So i ask you, as the head of customs, why is something that is perfectly harmless not let over the border, while i could very easily order a knife, a paintball gun, or hell, even a REAL GUN over the border. I ask you, could you please respond to me with an answer, or even better, please bring this up in parliament.

If I have addressed this matter to the wrong person, I am very sorry of using your time, and i would greatly be thankful if you could redirect this letter to the right person or persons.

Thank You For Your Time
- (withheld)
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Old May 7th, 2007, 02:10   #88
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good try drakkore244
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Old May 7th, 2007, 10:27   #89
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Wow. That letter is terrible.
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Old May 7th, 2007, 11:02   #90
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you wont hear back. not to be negative, but they dont care.
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