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USP Metal Slide/Barrel Problems


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Old June 13th, 2007, 22:41   #1
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USP Metal Slide/Barrel Problems

So I bought a fancy new metal slide and barrel along with a SD 150% spring upgrade kit for my KSC USP .45 (Full Size). Lots of trouble.

This is what I ordered. I just assumed it would fit properly

First, it seems that I can't get my inner barrel to fit inside my outer barrel properly. There's a pin that holds everything in place. The pin contacts a metal part (sorry for the vagueness) that hold in the barrel. This metal part isn't far enough into the outer barrel, and I'm thinking it's because the upgraded outer barrel is a milimetre or so too short. I'd like to just file it down and pop it in but....

I had this other problem with my hammer. It was making excessive contact with my "blowback mechanism" and all kinds of friction was causing it to not cycle. My solution was simple, but aweful. I ground down a tad off the hammer in order that the slide could move back without friction, however, the amount that I ground off now prevents the hammer from cocking all the way when the slide is pulled back/cycled. Semi-auto is currently impossible. But if I hadn't ground that bit off, my gun wouldn't have been cycling properly anyway.

Everything else fits in snug like it should, screws are tight, and the rest seems ok. Am I totally screwed or what? I'm thinking I'll need to buy a new hammer but I still don't see how it will fix the slide problem. Any help greatly appreciated.

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Last edited by pizzainthemorning; June 13th, 2007 at 22:46..
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Old June 13th, 2007, 23:43   #2
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I had the same problem installing mine a few months back in terms of the inner barrel not wanting to seat all the way forward. What I did was I took the inner barrel and inserted it in the opposite end of the outer barrel, and worked it in circles to round out the opening (make it larger) DON'T be too rough though.

It's a tight fit, but after a while I was able to push it all the way in and get the pin to slide through and hold it in there. I was afraid to force it in but in the end thats what's needed, but again try to be careful around the hop up rubber.

As for the hammer problem.... I never encountered this. Was the problem maybe because the inner barrel was not seated properly within the outer??

Hope that helped

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Old June 14th, 2007, 00:15   #3
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had the same problem as well. i had to drill out the outer barrel to fit my innerbarrel inside (8mm), once done it will fit like it should and you can install the retaining pin into the barrel retaining clip. be careful not to lose that brass poppet valve thing lol.

as for your mod... it worked perfectly fine when you had the plastic slide on, and the problem arose when you installed the metal slide? but you ground down the hammer? i think that was a lapse in judgment. you should have posted first, or reverified your install, theres no way to ungrind you hammer lol, so your going to have to replace that if you want the problem solved now if i understood your post correctly.
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Last edited by swatt13; June 14th, 2007 at 00:19..
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Old June 14th, 2007, 19:18   #4
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Thanks for the barrel advice, that should clear things up. As for grinding my hammer, yeah that was stupid but it's too late now. The reason I suspected the hammer is because there is a slight amount of play to the hammer after it is cocked. You can pull it back a tad further, preventing any contact with the blowback mechanism. When I held it down like this it seemed to work fine.

Does anyone know if the USP Compact hammer is interchangeable with the USP .45 full size? Or, does anyone know the KSC part number for the hammer (I seem to have misplaced my manual)?


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Old June 16th, 2007, 14:25   #5
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Ok, I'm not sure what happened, but everything seems to be working fine now, though I'm still a little worried about that hammer. So thanks to those who helped already, but...

Does anybody know if the USP Compact hammer is interchangeable with the USP .45 Full size hammer? Or what part number is the hammer (for either model)?


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Old June 16th, 2007, 15:39   #6
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i don't know about the inner-workings of the two pistols, but i know that cosmetically, the Compact hammer very different. It fits flush with the back of the slide when in DA mode. Internally though, it might fit. if you need, I can take a pic of mine (compact).
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Old June 17th, 2007, 18:16   #7
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I've seen pictures too and know enough that they are cosmetically different. To be able to take a look at the "inside" of my hammer would require disassembly, and though I'm usually pretty decent with that kind of stuff, the USP just spells trouble for me. Even still, if they look similar they could be a milimetre or two off and that's not a gamble I'd like to take. Thanks for the offer and info though.

"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." - Edison
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Old July 15th, 2007, 04:11   #8
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USP Full size is part# 173 for the hammer.
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