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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:46   #286
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn View Post
The climate in terms of enforcement has changed a fair bit (although not dramatically) since I starting playing airsoft 7 years ago. Admittedly enforcement was virtually 0 at that time, and even some of the most blatant offenders (anyone remember Regiment Airsoft) got off with little more than a warning.

I think there are some issues that need clearing up for the ASC community, and airsofters in general - something for another thread. I would like to see someone fill the gap as well in terms of retail supply, but I have to admit it looks less and less appetizing.

Any owner reading this thread should not be worried about what they own however. The sky is not falling, it's just been slowly pushing down upon us for about a decade (our 10 year anniversary of slow crushing death will be this December 1st 2008 in fact!)
im only worried about the ability to obtain high end guns in the future. that is all.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:48   #287
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
im only worried about the ability to obtain high end guns in the future. that is all.
As you should be. That is practically speaking the biggest and almost only threat to this sport continuing in this country in any meaningful fashion.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:49   #288
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Would it be possible to not register airsoft guns, but to make it law for each person to have a permit to own. Doesn't matter how many, just 1 permit under your name. It can be applied for like a PAL. It can have a fee obviously to fund itself. Possibly require passing a safety and ethics type course. Then for importation they can be the same as firearms. Any firearms retailer can import them just as they would a firearm. (Wouldn't the prices be lower this way too?) Anyone found with an airsoft replica and does not posess a valid permit may have it confiscated if they do not get a permit within X amount of time. (Everyone who now owns one would be required to get a permit ASAP.)

If we went to say the conservative party, and the local reps and put in front of their face how many airsofters there are in this country, and how easy it would be to spread the word "vote Conservative because..." in the community. Would they not be tempted to gain those votes? Maybe for EVERY area in Canada that as a conservative rep. selected members present a petition to that person?

EDIT: This thread had me wondering why the hell I have a CDN flag under my name. :P

Last edited by LeapingLizard; January 28th, 2008 at 23:55..
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:51   #289
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Originally Posted by LeapingLizard View Post
Would it be possible to not register airsoft guns, but to make it law for each person to have a permit to own. Doesn't matter how many, just 1 permit under your name. It can be applied for like a PAL. It can have a fee obviously to fund itself. Possibly require passing a safety and ethics type course. Then for importation they can be the same as firearms. Any firearms retailer can import them just as they would a firearm. (Wouldn't the prices be lower this way too?) Anyone found with an airsoft replica and does not posess a valid permit may have it confiscated if they do not get a permit within X amount of time. (Everyone who now owns one would be required to get a permit ASAP.)

If we went to say the conservative party, and the local reps and put in front of their face how many airsofters there are in this country, and how easy it would be to spread the word "vote Conservative because..." in the community. Would they not be tempted to gain those votes? Maybe for EVERY area in Canada that as a conservative rep. selected members present a petition to that person?

EDIT: This thread had me wondering the the hell I have a CDN flag under my name. :P
+1 to put it bluntly, that's a great fucking idea!
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:53   #290
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn View Post
As you should be. That is practically speaking the biggest and almost only threat to this sport continuing in this country in any meaningful fashion.
im debating whether or not to sell my gun cause if no new people join the sport, then ill be playing with myself (laugh it up to jokesters) in the course of a few years. at least with paintball (flame it up flamers) there is a massive fanbase in that i have no shortage of people to play with.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:55   #291
The Saint
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Three posts by HoJo in one day... We might have lost one retailer, but I find comfort in the fact that Miles is still here and cares.

PAL-esque permit idea: suggested before, unlikely to fly due to burden and demonstrated shortcoming of existing real firearm regulatory system.

Conservative vote idea: Airsofters are too few and too spread out across Canadian ridings to really matter, especially in the face of concentrated anti-gun sentiment in ridings in cities like Toronto.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:59   #292
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The solution:

We need to multipy. Get busy.

Airsofters should soon outnumber soccer moms 20:1 if we each get multiple women pregnant ASAP. Best to be airsoft women for best results.

lol, that's just terrible, I'm so very sorry.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 00:09   #293
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Originally Posted by LeapingLizard View Post

The solution:

We need to multipy. Get busy.

Airsofters should soon outnumber soccer moms 20:1 if we each get multiple women pregnant ASAP. Best to be airsoft women for best results.

lol, that's just terrible, I'm so very sorry.
+1. awesome post.

Since I joined the ASC boards.. I've seen Specarms, DEA/RA, and countless others throw the towel, or get bent over by the CBSA pirates... Yet, I've still managed to order stuff, and build my arsenal. So, I'm pretty sure we wont lose our beloved airsoft...

Oh, and back then, I didn't even know AA surplus existed.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 00:12   #294
The Saint
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LOL, only if there were that many women airsofters.

But the just of it is right, we need to multiply. Slowly though, we don't need an attention-grabbing population explosion, we just need to keep growing. Consider the situation in the UK. The government there did not do anything at all to regulate airsoft for a long time, but when they finally tried (due to problematic spread of replica firearms), airsoft had reached sufficient mass that competent lobbying won British airsofters the day. Our situation is somewhat more difficult, because the Canadian government put restrictions in place already to limit our growth (though probably not originally targeted at airsoft). However, that doesn't mean we can't keep growing at our own pace until someday we reach sufficient numbers to get the legal changes we want. We just have to be patient about it, though that doesn't mean we don't keep our eyes out for any rare opportunities to further our cause, whatever they might be.
"The Bird of Hermes is My Name, Eating My Wings to Make Me Tame."

Last edited by The Saint; January 29th, 2008 at 00:15..
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Old January 29th, 2008, 00:18   #295
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007 isnt going to fade out like A&A, if anything he'll fade out like 007 because he already faded out once lol
Now like someone said, there used to be 5 retailers, most choked out after Peter Kang got busted, some new ones sprung up. Problem was the new ones got busted because they were in it for the money, got too greedy and BAM. One day your selling chinese airsoft guns to 18yr olds and the next morning some CBSA officer is stepping in your cornflakes and telling you to drop your pants so he can serve you some justice.
And to calm everyone down here, the only possible way that airsoft would die off in 2-3 years is if all of us owned 3 stock G&G guns each lol
As long as your bought your gun for the body, your good for a good long while
Ahhhhhh feels good to have a G&P arsenal...
So the best thing to do is for a major government related operation to suddenly start importing airsoft.....someone like a surplus dealer/firearm importer who deals with the government all the time lol

Here's something else to think about, it'll really help you guys to understand if you don't already (I know most of you understand already). Mark gets around 400 emails a day, but Mark has other things to do. So if he's gone for 2 days doing other business. Thats now 800 unread emails he has to come home to...
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Old January 29th, 2008, 00:21   #296
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Airsofters are too few and too spread out across Canadian ridings to really matte
we should build our city and everyone live there:grin:
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Old January 29th, 2008, 00:25   #297
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Originally Posted by dockronixion View Post
we should build our city and everyone live there:grin:
No thanks.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old January 29th, 2008, 00:27   #298
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Three posts by HoJo in one day... We might have lost one retailer, but I find comfort in the fact that Miles is still here and cares.
Thanks, good to see you guys again. I have been getting alot of questions lately about why we shut down ASCA and generally confusion about what the legal scene is for airsoft on all level (importing, retailing, owning, playing), and I would like to share some insight and opinion on it, especially as things have gotten a little frustrating for owners lately - and it drives me a little nutty to see all the ideas people have about what the "real deal" with airsoft is, or what can be done about it.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 00:28   #299
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Originally Posted by dockronixion View Post
we should build our city and everyone live there:grin:
Make it a country.

LMAO. People who drift their cars would be happy about the BB covered streets...

Happy meals come with a small bag of BBs.

Church on sunday commits an hour to talking about the game Saturday night.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 00:30   #300
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Yuxi View Post
Something tells me there would be persistent outbreaks of homosexuality.
There would be outbreaks of heterosexuality, as homosexuality would be the norm.
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