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A&K (Echo-1) 249 Mk2 SAW - Local Thoughts/Opinions?


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Old February 1st, 2008, 18:19   #31
Fox Hound
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you'll need 16awg. the motors pull a lot of current so your 18awg will get REALLY hot if u go full auto.

The A&K is a really good clone of the CA, never owned one but have seen it on the field. Comes good stock as well. I personaly own a CA m249, and i love it!
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Old February 10th, 2008, 20:44   #32
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lower mainland BC
Received my 249 this weekend, first impressions were about what I expected with a clone, loose bolts, broken charging handle, even the hop unit was installed wrong as the feed hole for the BBs was out 180deg? ineffective hop rubber etc, the spider web of wires inside the box mag was a jaw dropper!! and the box mag needs a little shim to feed properly.

After about 5hrs of TLC today, things are looking very positive, I changed the hop rubber, installed a piece of tubing that is longer to actually push down on the hop rubber nub, lined the hop unit up properly, shimmed the box mag connector, adjusted the motor contact, cleaned all the grease out of the barrel, put a allen wrench to every bolt and screw, left the charge handle as It is purely cosmetic.

I will chrono it tomorrow night but out the back window and across a vacant parking lot, it shoots surprisingly straight and the hop works well, it has about the same range as my 390fps M14, cant sneeze at that I guess.

If you buy one or want one, expect to spend a lot of TLC time (now or later) but you will need to, these guns are assembled with very little quality control this is very evident (same as any of the clones though) for the price I am impressed, the basics are there for a very good project gun, but there are more included in the gun than the basics, the gear box looks very strong, so dose the hop unit, the entire gun is simple and easy to take down and get to the vital components in a hurry.

Field test will be nexy weekend, if the gun feeds and stays consistent I will run it until it blows, until then I will stay out of the gear box, oh yes the piston spring is fast change identical to the star (We own a star m249 as well, the A&K is a better gun!!)
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Old February 10th, 2008, 21:06   #33
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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So what your saying is it's a bit of a fixer upper?
Just like this house? lol
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Old February 10th, 2008, 22:29   #34
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Had the A&K M249 in my hands a couple of times, I can say it's a really good weapon. Made solid, good rate of fire and a reasonable price. Last game, I brang the a&k M249 to let some people try it and many people were impressed.

Ca M4ris
Cyma Ak-47
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Old February 10th, 2008, 23:00   #35
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lower mainland BC
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
So what your saying is it's a bit of a fixer upper?
Just like this house? lol not that bad! the more I fondle the A&K the more I like it at $300 less than a Star...$500 less than the next cheapest! how could one complain, just a heads up for the guy how don't work on guns or have access to a plumber, the A&K in most cases will not be plug and play, of course this is just my findings on one A&K?
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Old February 10th, 2008, 23:42   #36
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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If it's on one it's bound to be on others, people just aren't looking as deep into the gun as you are.
I agree it's a cheap alternative, and it's fine as long as you aren't hard on the body and don't use the bipod lol
I've only used my bipod 4 or 5 times anyway
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