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KJW High capa problem!


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Old May 29th, 2009, 15:34   #31
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Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
and what is your point? all im saying is that that doesnt matter at all and had no effect. what are you getting at?
Hey, I didn't want to start war in a thread, but would like to settle it where it started. the point of my post was that if he had layered on too much paint the slide can catch the lower receiver, therefore i pointed out WHY i assumed he layered on paint ie, filled in logo. My post was an actual answer, that could have been helpful, it did not need to be decipled by the likes of anybody who does not know me and thinks I am incapable of realizing that a "messed up logo" has nothing to do with a locking slide, I would appreciate it if you didn't try to make your posts look smarter by demeaning others.

again sorry for jacking the thread, I beleive "richand" got a feasable answer.

Any further conversation, I ask you nooblord to take it to PM.
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Old May 30th, 2009, 01:51   #32
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
It's probably not a great idea to give advice if you're not sure of what the problem is.
Hmm, where did I write, or somehow include in my two sentences, that I was not sure on what the problem was, or even give advice? This is a new development to me, What are you implying sir? Please do be specific.

I remember saying: It is definitely because of the co2. But I thought this to have been confirmed in advance?

I can see that my 2 points were not clear, so I shall happily try to be more specific:
I said to get new internals, or a new gun. As you may understand, I covered both potential instances right there:

The reason I said: "the piston, etc."
Was in order to possibly introduce to new users, what an internal part might be, however it was obviously not meant to say that the troubled user in question should switch a piston.... To say otherwise would be foolish.

The barrel though, in case you tried imply otherwise via your above argument, is also, unless actually a exterior part of the usual modern semi automatic pistol (By very few designs thereby, I do not believe I have ever seen a pistol like that, I stand open and corrected though, but never in regards for ANY and ALL M1911 based Wilson Hi Capa.) counts as an internal part of the frame, thus the gun, it might foolishly be implied that just because it is visible from the outside like the trigger is, it is still an internal part of the lower frame, as it is initially attached to the inside it. And thus a internal part of the gun. But I am quite sure you know this, and this was probably and merely a smaller misunderstanding

And also, true to the end result, he got a new gun. so I, and you as well, I strongly suspect, could try for years, but fail to include it into the equation

Also, I`m not saying that your troubleshooting of the problem (Which was excellent by the way.) is wrong or anything like that, I merely put in my 2 cents on the aftermath, maybe a little impulsive, but I still fail see how it was contradicting or otherwise offensive to anything mentioned by anyone prior to or after my initial post, quite the contrary. But now at least I made myself clear, and I shall of course be more specific in my future posts.

Now, I need some breakfast! (7.50 AM here.)

Sincerely Yours

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Old May 30th, 2009, 03:20   #33
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Umm... to be fair i found both your advices quite useful, i was directed towards the barrel and co2 etc... Everyone here gave me ideas on where to look and start troubleshooting.

I did manage to get a new gun but the way everyone help quadrupled my knowledge in gbb's(which was pretty much nothing at the time lol, though i do maintain real guns). Which as you all know is priceless.

So yeah thanks to all of you(makes me super happy to be a part of this community)

Looking forward to asking help from all of you soon!
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Old May 30th, 2009, 05:39   #34
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Rest assured I was not or is not going to try and start a fight with ILLusion. My respect towards him was quickly and very strongly established when his wisdom and expertly manner in helping you was revealed.
I was merely aiming to clear up his smaller misunderstanding of my intentions with the first post, and I hope he takes no offense, as I meant no offense

You are very knowledgeable in airsoft guns yourself, and I have no doubt you that will know a lot more about them as time passes and you go through the different stages

This is not relevant with this very case of course,
But I started my more serious attitude against airsoft with a Hi Capa 5.1 from Tokyo Marui, what happened in my case was a blown cylinder and piston and seals, at first they did not seem damaged, but upon removing them from the slide and taking a closer inspection, they were very distorted. And that was on the first shot with the very same gas that the retailer claimed was recommended for the gun
but nice to be speaking with a fellow Hi Capa enthusiast, their ammo capacity and incredible accuracy (I wanted more accuracy and upgraded to a Nine Ball precision inner barrel.) as well as reliability (When treated right, not with silk gloves, but just.. right.) and size/weight ratio, is what makes them the best possible backup you could ever ask for, imho.
Now I switch between my HC 5.1 and Tanaka Colt Single Action Army Artillery 5.5".
The S.A.A may look foolish in my holster when I`m holding a M24 or CA G3 or even CYMA Thompson or Marushin Garand, but it`s very same short-coming is what makes it a very skirmish able weapon even in constant rain where other backup weapons falter

Well, nuff said from my part, best you experiment and find the combination of backup and primary weapon that you prefer personally


Last edited by RedHammer; May 30th, 2009 at 05:41..
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Old May 30th, 2009, 12:33   #35
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Originally Posted by RedHammer View Post
Hmm, where did I write, or somehow include in my two sentences, that I was not sure on what the problem was, or even give advice? This is a new development to me, What are you implying sir? Please do be specific.

Read my previous post, it's all there, including a quote to your statement which I am referred to, followed by my correction.

To paraphrase, you said he needed a new piston. His problem has nothing to do with the piston. I'm not sure how "more specific" I can get.

I simply corrected you because I did not want to see the OP rush out to buy a new piston unit to fix his "problem", only to find that it did in fact.... fix nothing. :P

Get some coffee.

Originally Posted by RedHammer View Post
Rest assured I was not or is not going to try and start a fight with ILLusion. My respect towards him was quickly and very strongly established when his wisdom and expertly manner in helping you was revealed.
I was merely aiming to clear up his smaller misunderstanding of my intentions with the first post, and I hope he takes no offense, as I meant no offense
Definitely no offense taken. I just did not want misinformation to exist. Wasn't trying to "smack you down." Merely correcting a mistake.

Originally Posted by RedHammer View Post
But I started my more serious attitude against airsoft with a Hi Capa 5.1 from Tokyo Marui, what happened in my case was a blown cylinder and piston and seals, at first they did not seem damaged, but upon removing them from the slide and taking a closer inspection, they were very distorted. And that was on the first shot with the very same gas that the retailer claimed was recommended for the gun
The Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa is NOT designed to reliably run on propane / green gas, and any retailer who puts this assurance in to a buyers head is mistaken. The cylinder / loading nozzle is always the first component to rupture when running these guns with propane, especially if the slide and recoil springs are upgraded. I almost always recommend upgrading that component first, particular if the slide and springs are being upgraded. Even moreso on the 4.3.

Older Hi-Capas even had the problem of the piston head o-rings blowing out of their grooves, and was more likely to happen with propane.

Last edited by ILLusion; May 30th, 2009 at 12:38..
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