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What I think I know


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Old May 16th, 2011, 14:09   #1
Cobalt Caliber
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What I think I know

Well I'm sure most of you don't care but I do so bear with me please.

I am a mere 6 months and 7 days (as of this post) from my 18th birthday. So when November 23 comes around I want to be ready and informed. I want to talk with other players and get advice, because I cannot trust retailers to tell me anything but, my product is better buy it.

So airsoft is an expensive hobby and I'm looking to spend around the same as I would on my Ice Hockey Goalie equipment. Which means anywhere from 1000.00 to 3000.00 dollars. I know I could probably spend less but I've done paintball and clearsoft and I really enjoy both but felt it was lacking something. I know it was a realistic feel to the weapons, I find walking outta the bush looking like a priceless painting annoying and I love the more realistic look to Airsoft style Loadouts.

So I want to go through what I'm looking for and read you're replies.

Ok so heres my basic list of what I want to start off with gun-wise.

1. All metal construction, I don't want plastic. No offense to people with Tinted lower receiver but there is a reason you're is less expensive.

2.A weapon that it is fairly easy to find mods and upgrades for.

3. I would perfer a weapon that comes with RIS or some kind of rails.

4. Reliability and solid construction without having to upgrade like hell.

5. Battery, well I don't really know much about them but I don't really want an insane rof (from what I've read it wears out your internals) but more longevity.

6. I want a sight, but won't get one for minimum a few games, try out the iron sights first.

7. I want easy to find mags, i don't wana search. beg and plead just to buy a few mags. Also I'm a real cap fan, but won't start off with them till I get more experience.

8. I'm looking for either an SMG or preferably and assault rifle (carbine or full size) I want to play both CQB and outdoor but not need to expensive guns.

Well thats allot to start with. I also would like to ask a couple of questions.

1. Batteries I know little of nothing about them. Can someone post some facts.

2. I don't want a GBB I hear they are more maintenance intensive than an AEG, but what maintenance does an AEG req.

I'll ask more in a short while. Also I'm hopping to AV'd ASAP after I turn 18, I wana good look at the classifieds. Before purchasing anything, you all seem to hold it with high regard so I figure I'd better listen.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 14:19   #2
Disco_Dante's Avatar
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Best way to do this is just find a gun you like. Then come back and maybe someone could suggest which company makes the best version of that gun.

Happy Hunting:

Not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 14:21   #3
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1. All metal construction, I don't want plastic. No offense to people with Tinted lower receiver but there is a reason you're is less expensive.
Wrong I've seen many guns with tinted lowers that are just as good as a full metal gun full metals can have plastic gear boxes which makes them cheap.
2.A weapon that it is fairly easy to find mods and upgrades for.
What kind of mods are you looking for? only kind I can think of are new springs motors and whatever else they have. Scopes and other sites are there for looks only since airsoft ballistics suck.
3. I would perfer a weapon that comes with RIS or some kind of rails.
Could be good but are not needed. Example airsoft 1911 can have lower rail or none. The real 1911 does not have rails.
4. Reliability and solid construction without having to upgrade like hell.
If you don't plan on leaving it in mud or salt water most are fine.
5. Battery, well I don't really know much about them but I don't really want an insane rof (from what I've read it wears out your internals) but more longevity.
Don't know can't comment.
6. I want a sight, but won't get one for minimum a few games, try out the iron sights first.From my experience the ballistics suck sights are pointless.

7. I want easy to find mags, i don't wana search. beg and plead just to buy a few mags. Also I'm a real cap fan, but won't start off with them till I get more experience.
Don't know not going to venture an opinion.
8. I'm looking for either an SMG or preferably and assault rifle (carbine or full size) I want to play both CQB and outdoor but not need to expensive guns.

No ideas.

Also note most is my personal opinion feel free to disagree.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 14:23   #4
Cobalt Caliber
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Ok I will be more specific.

I am a fan of the M4 series, and know that have allot of customization, witch also seems to suit almost all of my needs, but I also like the FN SCAR series, and G36 series is nice... and well I go down hill from there thinking of all the different weapons and me holding them in a game, in full BDU... oops I drooled a little.

My only short point. I detest AK series weapons, just don't like the RS and even though airsoft doesn't fire anywhere near as similar, its deep seated.

And don't worry I want you're opinion, I wouldn't ask otherwise.

Last edited by Curo; May 16th, 2011 at 14:25..
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Old May 16th, 2011, 14:38   #5
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The H&K 416 ticks all the boxes.

You can get one from a few makers in both AEG and GBBR flavors.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 14:40   #6
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
Ok I will be more specific.

I am a fan of the M4 series, and know that have allot of customization, witch also seems to suit almost all of my needs, but I also like the FN SCAR series, and G36 series is nice... and well I go down hill from there thinking of all the different weapons and me holding them in a game, in full BDU... oops I drooled a little.
I know it can be difficult to pick a rifle you like, but the community can literally list dozens of different versions of Scars, Armalites, and G36s. Seriously, find one you like the absolute most, maybe go to a few games and hold some guns, then ask for suggestions for the best manufacturer of that gun.

@Rai, I'm at work right now so I can't really point out all the things that are wrong with what you said(Not to infer that EVERYTHING you said was wrong, but i can strongly disagree on a number of points), but ill summarize and just say that red dots and scopes can be very useful in Airsoft, it must just be that YOUR ballistics suck. Also, I can think of half a dozen 1911s with rails off the top of my head.

Not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 14:49   #7
Cobalt Caliber
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Ok I'll do some more looking thank you for the comments!
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:09   #8
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That website I linked you to is just the best. You'll be distracted for days.

Not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:12   #9
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
1. Batteries I know little of nothing about them. Can someone post some facts.

2. I don't want a GBB I hear they are more maintenance intensive than an AEG, but what maintenance does an AEG req.

I'll ask more in a short while. Also I'm hopping to AV'd ASAP after I turn 18, I wana good look at the classifieds. Before purchasing anything, you all seem to hold it with high regard so I figure I'd better listen.
1) Everything you could possibly need to know about batteries:

2) Wipe down the barrel of dust/dirt occasionally. Grease/lube gears (even if you get a high quality gun it's advised that you eventually take apart the gearbox, clean up all the grease from the gears and relube with FinishLine Teflon). I guess wiping down the gun after a day of play to get dust/dirt off it and dry it out (if humid/or wet). That's pretty much it. If you don't mess around with it (and it's a high quality gun) then you should be good.

As for entering the sport. $1000 is a good budget and will get you a long way to start. I personally started for around ~$650 but over the next 3 months later I spent another ~$200 and slowly acquired more gear and stuff.

Also, you should note that it will usually take up to 3 weeks (sometimes longer) for AV to go through (this is including meeting up, submission of your info, and then an admin giving you your AV usertag). What you can do for now though is visit surplus shops and stuff and pickup BDU's and other useful gear (ie. PB mask, sealed ballistics, or ballistic glasses depending on the field you play at, batteries, charger (go to RC shop for this), red killrag, good boots etc.).
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:14   #10
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Check out the the HK416, as mentioned. I'm fond of the SCAR and M4 myself, and the HK416 looks like a nice cross between the two

Some good M4/M16 models would be Classic Army, Tokyo Marui, King Arms or Systema PTW (if you can afford it, its probably the best one)

From what I know VFC makes some really good SCAR rifles. They have the Light, Heavy and SSR (Sniper) variants.

For G36s, Classic Army and Ares/Umarex make the whole family of G36 rifles. KWA makes a good G36c as well.

All the ones listed above are AEGs. For gas guns, WE or KJW M4, WE SCAR (latest version only, older ones have some problems) and WE G36 series.
H&K G36c (KWA) / Glock 18c (TM) / Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom (TM) / Mossberg M500 (ACM)

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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:14   #11
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I'd recommend a G36 model. I've handled the C and K models myself, both a Classic Army and Jing Gong (early gen) versions. They have the rails you need included, and fully railed handguards are around. The take-down is simple and you don't have to tear out all the internals to swap out a hop-up or barrel or even the mag well. Due to the design, its rock solid without wobbles. The only thing that will be a mark against it according to your 'wants' is the full metal obviously. The v.3 mechbox makes up for that, in my opinion. A lot of people would call it the best type and I agree.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:18   #12
Suburban Gun Runner
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G&P M4 variant, rear wired to a crane stock.
For mags go MAG brand.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:21   #13
Cobalt Caliber
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Well when I say full metal, I bear in mind that parts of M4 or otherwise are not metal but a high impact plastic or Nylon Weave like material. I basically mean like parts that should be metal are.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:29   #14
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
I know it can be difficult to pick a rifle you like, but the community can literally list dozens of different versions of Scars, Armalites, and G36s. Seriously, find one you like the absolute most, maybe go to a few games and hold some guns, then ask for suggestions for the best manufacturer of that gun.

@Rai, I'm at work right now so I can't really point out all the things that are wrong with what you said(Not to infer that EVERYTHING you said was wrong, but i can strongly disagree on a number of points), but ill summarize and just say that red dots and scopes can be very useful in Airsoft, it must just be that YOUR ballistics suck. Also, I can think of half a dozen 1911s with rails off the top of my head.
Depends on what he consider accuracy, for me the range of an airsoft does not require anything other than iron sights. Unless you have poor eyesight in which a red dot might help. But me if I can't hit it with iron sights I don't shoot it.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:34   #15
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
Well when I say full metal, I bear in mind that parts of M4 or otherwise are not metal but a high impact plastic or Nylon Weave like material. I basically mean like parts that should be metal are.
Give you a suggestion that you won't regret

Stop worry about if its metal or plastic, start question the quality the metal/ plastic

Low-grade aluminum are piece of crap, in general Die-cast metal will break on brittle part quite fast -even if its die cast aluminum (and bunch of other crap) like G&P. Typically the 'better' ones are CNC aluminum (t6061 is common one) forged or stamped steel/aluminum. However, those are bloddy expensive
Plastic are known to flex or crack in low temperature, look for fibre reinforced polymer or nylon fibre etc Those are better. Examples of those are CA, ARES, and WE G36

For durability of material I would pick, (given they're all top notch manufacture) [example given in bracket]
Stamp Steel[RS Type 56 or LCT AKs]> Forged Aluminum[RS M16 or Ino GBBR]> CNC Aluminum[Prime Metal body]>Fibre-Reinforced Polymer[RS,ARES,CA polymer gun]>Die Cast Zinc-Aluminum[G&P]>Die Cast Potmetal[KSC,KJW]> Plastic[TM, JG, G36]
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