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Importance of being in shape for MilSim airsoft



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Old August 26th, 2011, 06:50   #1
Jbone 11 11
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Importance of being in shape for MilSim airsoft

Maybe this belongs in the Thread about how serious one takes airsoft, but I think it is worthy of a separate thread. (Mods feel free to disagree and move it if need be)

Ok, so I've been playing airsoft for a while now, exclusively MilSim though, as that is how they do it over here.

So my comments and opinions here are more relevant to MilSim type Airsoft, but can also apply to other less dedicated events.

Now, what gets me every time I've been out is how unbelievably out of shape some people can be. Don't get me wrong, Im not advocating that all and sundry must pass a JTF selection standards or anything, but running 50 meters with your gear on should not destroy you to the point of not being able to continue!

That said, most players I've come across are ok. And there are even some guys who smoke me in the cardio dept. as a lot of these guys play soccer like the Pope goes to Mass!

But having played a couple of very large 24 hour events (500+ players), and given the terrain we usually play in (Hills....LOTS and LOTS of Hills! Just to give you an idea: )
I noticed a lot of guys and even whole teams that would gas out and not be able to push through to their objectives because the approach/insertion killed 'em. And when there are 500+ dudes running around, that objective might actually make a difference between winning and losing.... but more importantly, I get left with out back up and consequently get zapped!

Personally I think that if you're going to take MilSim Airsoft to heart, getting and staying in shape is as much of a must as getting the exact Chest Rig CSOR uses or a high quality AEG.

My 2cents

Last edited by Jbone 11 11; August 26th, 2011 at 06:52..
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Old August 26th, 2011, 09:34   #2
a.k.a. Palucol
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Yep, totally
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Old August 26th, 2011, 09:51   #3
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And to the extend: some people invest 10 of thousand of dollars on their gear to look legit, yet they are so skinny they would not pass basic tranning. Or too fat, they look like they don't belong.

I beleive your body should be something to upgrade too. It wil make your whole life more enjoyable, not just your game.

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Old August 26th, 2011, 09:58   #4
I've played with guys who were wearing so much shit they couldn't move. Literally. Being in shape makes a real big difference in this community, particularly when a whole lot of the community isn't. In that respect, and like any sport, it's a signifcant advantage on the field.

I've played while in very good shape, as well as when very overweight. Performance aside, it's much more enjoyable when you're not struggling to keep up, dragging your weight around, lacking the flexibility to react properly, and un-focused from fatigue.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 10:07   #5
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it makes a huge difference! My first game out i was seeing stars with the first 20mins. Dam smokes!
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Old August 26th, 2011, 10:29   #6
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I'm out of shape and smoke but no one should be discouraged from playing because of their physical fitness level. If anything they should be encouraged to get out more. I do agree tho you'd have a much easier time if you were in shape.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 11:41   #7
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I smoke, I'm no marathon runner. if it's a short range/cqb type role for the day I'll run the bare minimum I need too. for sims I run heavier loadouts .. bigger guns.. etc.

but I'm not a re enactor .. so what I consider a "heavy" loadout ... alot of reenactors and uber sim types would consider "light" LOL

I do my loadout and my weapon(s) to my fitness abilities within that role. the bigger heavier the gun I'll focus more on range (not nessasarily power). like a saw or DMR loadout(most common for me now) .. I'll stay with my group .. but I will cover from behind over or between them.

I still get a chuckle when people comment on me and my 2nd smoking, then when we hit the field they can't keep up ... just a couple farm kids
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Old August 26th, 2011, 11:53   #8
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I weight train regularly, 3-4 times a week, and i always consider airsoft events opportunities to work on my cardio, plain and simple, whether it be on hilly 1 Square KM field like Rawdon, or up close in a 4 floor run down paper Mill, i am always walking away from each game as if i just trained for hours at the gym....feels great.

I can easily say my personal fitness directly affects my game play.....generally speaking I move fast and hard and sometimes choosing very difficult avenues of other words im not afraid to take the hardset route to avoid's always easier when your not gassed out after 10 minutes of moving around in your kit.......

For those who claim they are out of shape, i say this: At least your getting OUT and doing something vs nothing...fact: playing burns kudos to you all for doing that...

Last edited by Invasian; August 26th, 2011 at 11:58..
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Old August 26th, 2011, 11:58   #9
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Originally Posted by Jbone 11 11 View Post
Maybe this belongs in the Thread about how serious one takes airsoft, but I think it is worthy of a separate thread. (Mods feel free to disagree and move it if need be)

Ok, so I've been playing airsoft for a while now, exclusively MilSim though, as that is how they do it over here.

So my comments and opinions here are more relevant to MilSim type Airsoft, but can also apply to other less dedicated events.

Now, what gets me every time I've been out is how unbelievably out of shape some people can be. Don't get me wrong, Im not advocating that all and sundry must pass a JTF selection standards or anything, but running 50 meters with your gear on should not destroy you to the point of not being able to continue!

That said, most players I've come across are ok. And there are even some guys who smoke me in the cardio dept. as a lot of these guys play soccer like the Pope goes to Mass!

But having played a couple of very large 24 hour events (500+ players), and given the terrain we usually play in (Hills....LOTS and LOTS of Hills! Just to give you an idea: )
I noticed a lot of guys and even whole teams that would gas out and not be able to push through to their objectives because the approach/insertion killed 'em. And when there are 500+ dudes running around, that objective might actually make a difference between winning and losing.... but more importantly, I get left with out back up and consequently get zapped!

Personally I think that if you're going to take MilSim Airsoft to heart, getting and staying in shape is as much of a must as getting the exact Chest Rig CSOR uses or a high quality AEG.

My 2cents
You are talking about Mil-Sim pretty much exclusively, right? Not just airsoft in general?

I haven't participated in a Mil-Sim, and it'll be a long, long while, if ever, until i am able to participate in one of those, from a physical abilities perspective. Note that a physical abilities perspective is different, from physical fitness.

Mil-Simming is generally taking it up a notch or two from skirmishing/casual scenario situations, in my opinion. From a physical demands perspective, the mindset coming into the game, and the level of commitment required to play inside the team and subordinate your role to the greater goals of that team. It sounds like it might be even more intense 'over there' in terms of mil-sim vs skirmish, as opposed to here, based upon my admittedly limited perspective/experience.

What about skirmishes/casual scenario's? I've seen individuals out with the same, or more gear, than that which is issued to the CF's in the field, in the interests of realism. I've also seen individuals in partial mis-matching camo, or in the typical hoodies and jeans casual gear beat the pants off some of those same 'real-simmers' in a fire-fight - physically, tactically, and dynamically.

As the other "how serious is airsoft to you" thread is good at pointing out, we have a wide range of individuals, playing for many different reasons.

Some are playing to stay in shape and stay sharp, mentally as well as physically. Some are playing as an adjunct to getting into shape. Some are out there, just to get out of the house. Some are young, and at the peak of physical shape, others are xbox couch-mush at the same age. Some are old, and trying to stay in shape, others (like me) are trying to get into shape while facing some pretty challenging health issues in a creative way.

As i've indicated in the other thread, i'm relatively new with just a few events under my belt. I am on the field with a cane. There is no way that i can run 50 yards, much less walk it fast without the risk of going ass over tea-kettle. When i show up to an event, i make sure that i am assigned to a team/side as an extra member, so that i do not pose a burden. I play the game, do my own thing, and try to make a contribution to the side that i am on, to the best of my abilities. In the games that i've played, and with the people that i have played with have been remarkably accommodating - and i'm grateful for that. I expect to be treated the same as any other person on the field otherwise - if i am a good target because of my physical issue, then go ahead and light me up.. it's all good. If i get further injured as a result of my issues - then it's on me, not anyone else. I'm taking the risks. A bad day on the field, beats 5 good days in the physiotherapy room, in my experience.

Yes, physical fitness/ability is important in this hobby. However, we also all work with the cards that life has dealt us with. It's a slippery slope when you start looking down upon/start getting exclusionary upon people who don't meet 'your standards' in any given activity. Allowing people to adapt/adapting somewhat the rules of the game to allow people to participate (at least in skirmishing) no matter their level of fitness/ability is inclusionary.

What type of game do you want to play in?

Sorry that this is so long, but i felt a need to show an alternative perspective.

Last edited by HackD; August 26th, 2011 at 14:04..
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Old August 26th, 2011, 12:11   #10
The Hunter
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Some people use a hobby like this to help in their physical fitness because they enjoy it and maybe don't have the time in a regular day to exercise. Most people don't work all day and then exercise, preparing just to play airsoft, if you are able to do that, join the army reserve. just to point out in the Military wargames there are people just as you described that are not in as good shape, or just not physically able to keep up to the "Big boys" but those guys will still have your back.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 13:01   #11
Jbone 11 11
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HackD, you're absolutely right. Im not hating on regular airsofters that don't go MilSim, quite the opposite. I think its great that they get out there, as the more people we can get into this sport and get them playing the way they should, the better it will be for the sport over all.

Im talking about guys who ether play MilSim games or claim to be hot shit when they come out and then turn into Private Pile as soon as the sweat glands start to get wet.

But to add to this, besides being able to get in the game properly, being better shape will greatly reduce the chance for injury, just like any other sport. And that applies to everyone.
That said, in your situation, thats not a matter of being in shape. When I use the term, Im referring to the choice we have to either be in shape or not. Having a injury or disability is not the same at all. So I apologize if what I said came across in that way.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 13:06   #12
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I think this subject has alot to do with why i concider this a hobby not a sport to me athletes dont smoke while participating their sport your not going to see a marathon runner with a pack of smokes in his pocket or a hockey player smoking at faceoff. The physical fitness is a bit different though because people participate in sports at all fitness levels. An airsoft milsim ican become no different then any endurence event like an ironman and unless people treat it like a sport its just a hobby
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Old August 26th, 2011, 15:13   #13
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Top 3 things you need to know to be a better airsofter, soldier, and person.

1. Shut your mouth.
2. Put on your PT gear.
3. RUN.

Run until you cant run anymore. Doesn't have to be fast. I took a group of 16-19 year old kids on a BMQ course I was teaching on from not being able to run 3k to running 28.4km.. only took like 3 months of running 3 times per week.
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Old August 26th, 2011, 16:36   #14
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First off let me mention I’m old and slow, I got all my running out of my system when I was serving with the CF, the only time I run now is if somebody is having a cardiac arrest, I’m a paramedic. Apart from that I’m pretty relax in my life style and visiting the gym usually means I need to use their bathroom, When it comes to Airsoft it think it’s important to be in enough shape to keep up with your teammates. If your slowing them down your robbing them of a fluid and exciting game. I’m not the fasted person on the field but I’m still able to keep up with my teammate, especially if there in the same age range, yes Red this means you  I believe that you need to me in some type of shape before you hit the field for a MilSim, playing COD 24/7 for a month will help you learn the lingo but you will not be ready to handle a live environment. Granted this isn’t the real army and you can’t be beaten into shape before a MilSim but it you have a little discipline and understand what is expected of you, you should be able to enjoy yourself. Also PLEASE take 10 minutes to think of what you’re going to carry with you onto the field, I’ve gone thru 3 OP Pine Plains in Fort Drum and I’ve seen people run out into the field carrying everything from spare AEG’s, Jerry cans of water and the occasional barking dog. TRAVEL LITTLE if the organizers of the MilSim have thought things thru they should have set up a CP area when you can leave all the extra kit while you play and comeback to every once and awhile. Beyond that travel as light as possible, ammo (4-5 mags is enough with a bag of BB’s and a small speed loader is enough), water and some snacks. On the next OP Pine Plains in Oct my goal is to travel naked with a messenager bag full of goodies and that’s it.
Guess my point is that you don’t need to be a athlete to enjoy airsoft MilSim but your should be expected to perform at a level where you are not a burden
Just me 2 cents
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Old August 26th, 2011, 17:52   #15
The Hunter
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Originally Posted by jakster View Post
First off let me mention I’m old and slow, I got all my running out of my system when I was serving with the CF, the only time I run now is if somebody is having a cardiac arrest, I’m a paramedic. Apart from that I’m pretty relax in my life style and visiting the gym usually means I need to use their bathroom
Priceless, I know it is true, but the way you put it made me laugh my ass off. I feel the same way
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