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Stolen Airsoft !!



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Old October 12th, 2012, 11:15   #1
R.T Plissken
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Stolen Airsoft !!

Hey there ASC
About a year ago around Easter time I had the extreme misfortune of having a huge assortment of guns stolen out of Black Widow Paintball. I had to sell off almost all of my collection for tuition, books and accommodations and I ended up losing quite a lot when these were stolen as they were on consignment. I know it seems strange to wait a year but I only recently joined the forums and was told by several members on here that I should post up pictures and details of the guns just incase anyone would have stumbled across them or knows anything about them. I am offering a minor reward for this information. If you happened to have bought one of these guns there will not be any reprecusions against you, I just want some justice
Thank you for the help!

Tokyo Marui
M9 Samurai Edge (BNIB)
Desert Eagle .50AE (two spare magazines in their package black & chrome)
MK.23 SOCOM (in the case, silencer + LAM)
MP5A5 (Systema guts)
MP5A3? (also with Systema & TM internals) Both of these MP5's had extra magazines, magzine clamps, grips and scope mounts (G3 claws)

Mac11 (two magazines, metal silencer and spare bolt)

UTG (I believe)
L96 with replica ACOG (crosshairs, not chevrons)

KJ Works
Sig Sauer P228
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Old October 12th, 2012, 13:40   #2
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Not to be the negative prick here but the items you posted are fairly common and there are a few on the classified that come and go especially in the past year. Most of these are usually been exchanged owners a few times, unless you have special markings on them you will probably have to chalk this one as a loss and move on especially if there is no immediate proof connecting to the one that stole it in the first place.
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Old October 12th, 2012, 16:45   #3
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Holy crap, someone stole this many guns from you and you just let it go without doing anything for over a year? Sorry to say, but by now you have a 0.1% chance of even getting one of them back.
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Old October 12th, 2012, 17:12   #4
R.T Plissken
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I've long since written these off, I know I will never see these again. There was a police investigation and it was even covered briefly in the local news (not on my stuff specifically, just on the store break-in in general). It's always been hard to let go of, especially when I started playing again. I'm just looking for information and all it takes is one person to get the wheel rolling again.
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Old October 12th, 2012, 18:42   #5
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You didn't have any kind of insurance?

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Old October 12th, 2012, 18:57   #6
R.T Plissken
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They were under Black Widow's roof so they would have been insured with his product that also got stolen. The owner had informed me that he did not claim them with his insurance company even after I pursed him to do so.
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Old October 12th, 2012, 19:01   #7
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Haha that sounds soo shady, i'm actually not surprised either
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Old October 12th, 2012, 19:17   #8
R.T Plissken
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Oh trust me it got better too...
Have you had a less the favourable experience with BWP in the past?
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Old October 12th, 2012, 20:37   #9
willing to perform services in a dark alley that may or may not leave you satisfied for a title. GFE = 1, looks = 2, BBFS for an extra $50.
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I would hold BWP liable for the loss "IF" you can prove he had them in the first place, IE: a receipt of some sort with signatures and dates is ideal.

Theft is theft, if you have the evidence and have asked them repeatedly to compensate you for your loss under his watch, you can take him to small claims court. Most people will just settle before trial but don't expect full value and be prepared to wait 5 years as is in my case.

Don't expect overworked, under-trained, public servants to do the leg work for you. Build a case yourself and remember Google is our friend!

I hope this helps.
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Old October 12th, 2012, 21:23   #10
R.T Plissken
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Thanks localfreerider, I much appreciate the advice. I had gotten free consolation with a local lawyer in regards to the situation. He assessed the written contracts I had with BWP (consignment contracts with details of the guns and the original receipts for said guns) and he informed me that the cost for the case would exceed what I could hope to get back. I spoke with the local police in hopes of gaining some insight but were unable to provide me with any useful information pertaining to the case.
In the end BWP made me sign a contract absolving they of all liabilities in exchange for less than 1/3 of their value. YES it was a poor choice on my part but it was my only choice. I was selling these for school and I needed to come away with something for the upcoming year.
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Old October 12th, 2012, 21:27   #11
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
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Originally Posted by localfreerider View Post
I would hold BWP liable for the loss "IF" you can prove he had them in the first place, IE: a receipt of some sort with signatures and dates is ideal.

Theft is theft, if you have the evidence and have asked them repeatedly to compensate you for your loss under his watch, you can take him to small claims court. Most people will just settle before trial but don't expect full value and be prepared to wait 5 years as is in my case.

Don't expect overworked, under-trained, public servants to do the leg work for you. Build a case yourself and remember Google is our friend!

I hope this helps.

I think you have 2 years to start a civil suit before you can no longer take someone to court.
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YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old October 12th, 2012, 23:11   #12
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Looks like he settled already, nothing he can do now.

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Old October 12th, 2012, 23:32   #13
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Sorry to hear, but like tank said, even if you came on here right after it happened, every one of those guns is fairly common, the least common being the Biohazard M9, but even that's common enough. There's nothing for you to do but let it go and move on.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old October 13th, 2012, 06:20   #14
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its nice to see that plisskin is getting some support....i think he just wants to see justice
and it does sound shady and not on plisskins part
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Old October 13th, 2012, 12:41   #15
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hello to all,
first off to all. some goon did talk all the stuff from black widow and Hamilton Tactical. and to see this person or crew found and brought to justice would be a great help to the store. second RYAN!!!! you know very well you were fully compensated on your product and there was never any talk of insurance to you, so explain why you would make up stories and have them posted on a public forum?? if you recall the conversation at all. you would remember you were asking for the full sale value of the product and you were paid out the monies you spent on purchasing them. You lost no money at all on the situation at hand, but you didn't gain either! just like everyone else that had consignment stuff in the store.
as per the contract that the store has here for people selling stuff on consignment! remember it is your choice and you never sign under duress... it is and was your choice

thanking you all in advance,
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