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GHK G5 GBBR Review



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Old May 9th, 2013, 15:45   #1
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GHK G5 GBBR Review

This review was made by Mia from Airsoft France and Translated by TheGnlPOPOV (c'est corrigé P. Thank you again for all your job!

Thanks to ModelWork, I have the opportunity to intensively test the new G5 from GHK. Long awaited by the airsoft community, this GBB rifle is now available. And as you will see, it redefines quite a few standards in sensations and performances!

This GHK G5 was bought at ModelWork in Taipei for 7800NT (around 265USD). I take the opportunity of this review to warmly recommend this shop (even for international purchases). as they are in direct contact with all the Taiwanese airsoft manufacturers and are very well known upgraders in Taiwan. You can contact them by Email at
Aside from posting this review here, I would like also to share my blog where you can find additional pictures and articles about the airsoft activities and industries in Taiwan (Be patient, I have just started it!)

Real steel:
I am not expert in real steal, but as far as I know this model does not exist in real life (but at list it is not another AR-15 variant). It appears GHK took the inspiration from the CZ Scorpion or S805.

Specifications :
Materials: Mainly plastic-polymer (body) and metal (internals, barrels). Feels solid
Weight rifle: 1,445Kg (Surprisingly light)
Weight magazines: 598gr (Heavyweight. This is also surprising compared to the rifle)
Sizing : around 42cm folded / 61-68cm unfolded
Advised gaz by GHK : Green gaz (but also works with red gaz)
BBs in magazine: around 30 (did not count)
Power/Speed (GHK data) : 110m/s @ 0.2g
Inner barrel : brass 200mm

Box and unboxing:
Simple and efficient box with few markings
Inside you will find: the G5 (what a surprise!), a notice (short but efficient and in English), and a few accessories. Everything is tightly in place and won’t move during transport.
For the accessories, we have:
- A gaz magazine style M4/Pmag
- A BBloader
- An M4 stock adaptater to replace the default one (stock not provided)
But no cleaning rod or any other fancy stuff.

First impressions:
It starts when you take the G5 in your hands: so lightweight! Compared to it, the magazine is very heavy. Surprising but doesn’t feel like a cheap toy at all. Everything is sturdy and there are no parasite noises. Everything is rock solid and pleasant.
When you take the G5 in your hands, it feels light and very maneuverable. The polymer plastic (they say it is sort of Dupond process) is very nice feeling and looks solid. I was not aware GHK had such manufacturing capacity for high quality plastic.

Hopup is tunable from the outside (but will need a short stick to access it)

Magazine fits like papa in mama in the G5, and no horizontal move.
Cocking the G5 is a little like the MP5. It makes cliinck and claaaaank noises. Very appreciable.
When firing, the blowback’s kick is very convincing (hard to keep aiming) and noise hurts the ear (more than any other GBBr I had so far).Nice nice nice !
Of course, there is a functional bolt catch (that you can disable by removing a small steel part in the G5).

Quality of manufacturing:
I am someone who prefers full metal replicas (that is why I had quit my former G36). But with the G5, I have definitely changed my mind. I cannot see any drawback in having this gun in such good quality plastic, beside the fact I do not know yet how it will resist to wear. It makes this G5 light, very maneuverable and resistant to cold weather.

Are in polymer plastic:
-Body (upper & lower)
- Folding stock and M4 adapter
- All 20mm rails
- External body of magazine (Pmag style)
- Nozzle
Are in non-magnetic metal:
- Outer barrel and flash hider
- Hopup block
- Bolt mecanism
- Trigger assembly
- Iron sights

Are in steel:
- All spring guides
- Axes (which is good sign for durability)
- Main screws
- The bold stop mecanism (which you can remove for dry shooting)

The G5 feels solid, there is no space between the different assembies and the texture is nice. But there are a few defaults in the molding process on the stock and under the lower. Nothing significant but the most demanding players might find this disappointing (but common, it is only 265USD gun!)
Furthermore I do not know how the plastic will look like after a few month of abusive use.

Very few of them (no 5.56mm, no 6mm, no made in Taiwan…)
- Left side : « Warning Read operation manual before using »
- Right side: "G5 GHK G000901207 ».Dunno if serial is unique
- Usual F/E/S markings for the firing mode selector.
Everything is properly done.

Inside the G5:
Like any AR-15 like gun, the G5 opens by “breaking” it in half. For this you just need to remove the back pin (which remains in place even open to avoid losing it on the field). The bolt can be taken away from the G5 with his spring guide very easily.

Access to the internals is very easy, making the maintenance easy as well.
Access to the hopup block and rubber, as well as the inner barrel is done by removing the 4 big external screws on the sides.
The complete bolt (with nozzle, spring and spring guide) weights 238gr.

Shooting tests:
Tests are done with Green gaz (recommended by GHK) and I will be using a Madbull chrony with 0.20BBs (this chrony has a tendency to lower spends by 3-4m/s)
Room temperature is 20degrees celcius and BBs will be 0.20g KSC
Test 1: 104m/s
Test 2: 105m/s
Test 3:102m/s
Test 4:102m/s
Mid-mag 1: 103 m/s
End-mag 1: 100 m/s
Mi-mag 2: 101m/s
End-mag 2:98m/s

Power is very stable !

Now test with full auto mode:
Test mag 1: 12 cps
Test mag 2 : 10 cps
Test mag 3 : doesn’t finish the mag

After 1 hour in fridge (G5 + mag) at 4degrees celcius:
Test 1: 85m/s
Test 2:83m/s
Test 3:89m/s
Test 4:81m/s
Mid-mag 1: 80m/s
End-mag 1: 90m/s
Mid-mag 2: 91m/s
End-mag 2 :89m/s
Firing rate mag 1: 9c/s
Firing rate mag 2: 8c/s (but power is really low at end of mag. But in semi-mode there is no issue to finish the 2 mags )
In conclusion, with a temperature of 20 degrees you can use 2.5 mags with one green gaz fill. From the fridge test, it looks like the G5 and his new mag stands particularly well cold weathers.
Really a good work from GHK in gaz management : steady, powerfull, standing cold.
Accuracy tests will be done a little later.\

This is a good surprise with the G5 : the internal bolt is 100% compatible with the GHK PDW (Even if some slight differences that do not impact the cycle). This means upgrade parts are already available from the PDW.
Inner barrel and hopup rubber are standard AEG.
Magazines are compatible with PDW & M4 (even if you’ll have to force a little to fit). They do not fit in a M4 Inokatsu (tried for the record)
It is too soon to make a real statement on this, but I have been firing around 20 mags (on green and red gaz) without a single issue. We will see in the future.
Also this G5 was on demonstration during the Hoora forum in Taipei. This model has been firing thousands of dry shoots from the visitors and no issue was reporter. Looking good !

The G5 from GHK made the buzz around the airsoft community, and it is easy to understand why : this GBB ris original, reliable, shoots well and cheap. It really feels like some engineers in GHK play airsoft for real and decided to create the gun of their dreams.
So overall, yes I am impressed and happy with my purchase. Let’s see how well it stands my abusive way of playing !
Of course, many aisofters will complain that the G5 doesn’t exist in RS, or that no army uses it. Well, I will answer to this that the gun looks like a real one, and it is good to see a manufacturer taking some risks and do something else than AR-15 and AKs.
This G5 will replace my Marui M4 EBB during my skirmishes !

Pros :
- Light and compact
- Excellent quality of plastic
- Absolutly no issue encountered (ready to play out of the box)
- Particularly resilient to cold
- Good potential of upgrades
- No trademarks or stupid markings (should be much easier with customs)
- ratio quality/price
- Can be configures for left handed
- Heavy mags (feels good :P)
- Easy maintenance
- It is Made In Taiwan (yeah, I am proud of Taiwan XD)

Cons :
- Lot of plastic (some might find this as a quality)
- How will the plastic resist to wear and abuses?
- No Real Steel
- Picatiny rails are also in plastic (same quality as body so no much to worry)
- The G5 is so light that 3 mags are heavier than the gun itself
- Inner barrel of only 200mm
Proud to be Alsatian

Last edited by Matula; May 10th, 2013 at 10:19..
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Old May 9th, 2013, 15:45   #2
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Last edited by Matula; May 9th, 2013 at 15:49..
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Old May 9th, 2013, 21:02   #3
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so is it me or is the bolt, recoil rod, hammer, sear, trigger, taken from the PDW?
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Old May 9th, 2013, 21:12   #4
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Wanted one ever since I first saw them online. Now after that review, I REALLY want one.
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Old May 9th, 2013, 21:26   #5
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Yep, but I checked today on Samoon website and all AEM parts from the G5 are available, good news
They doing also 2 new set, rifle and sniper.

Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
so is it me or is the bolt, recoil rod, hammer, sear, trigger, taken from the PDW?
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Old May 10th, 2013, 01:32   #6
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It's TheGnlPOPOV, not PoVpOv :banghead:

For the comparaison with PDW, yes they are quite alike (we confirmed with Mia that the PDW bolt could fit in G5) but they are many little tiny differences in shape (but not enough to prevent compatibility). Looks like the G5 is an improved version of the PDW actually...

Also for the record, we tried to fill to max the GHK mag with RedGaz, and the hammer didn't had any difficulty with it (even if currently around 30deg)
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Old May 10th, 2013, 13:41   #7
Art Vandelay
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Does this not count as a replica because there is no real steel version of this gun? It would be the ultimate Canadian gun if it could get past the border that easily.
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Old May 10th, 2013, 15:57   #8
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Well, to be honest I will not try like to import this airsoft Gun in Canada because the receiver is close to a real and magasine and it looks like M4 mag...

Originally Posted by Art Vandelay View Post
Does this not count as a replica because there is no real steel version of this gun? It would be the ultimate Canadian gun if it could get past the border that easily.
Proud to be Alsatian

Last edited by Matula; May 29th, 2013 at 11:09..
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Old June 5th, 2013, 15:49   #9
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this replica does exist AEG?
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Old June 5th, 2013, 16:27   #10
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Originally Posted by senseyk View Post
this replica does exist AEG?
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Old June 5th, 2013, 16:28   #11
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Originally Posted by senseyk View Post
this replica does exist AEG?
No. It was designed by GHK as a GBBR.

Although one might be able to build an aeg to look like one.
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Old June 5th, 2013, 18:36   #12
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thank you for your answers!
is it a GHK exclusive? or there are chance that another brand produce it in AEG?

thanks for your answers.
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Old June 5th, 2013, 20:02   #13
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Originally Posted by senseyk View Post
thank you for your answers!
is it a GHK exclusive? or there are chance that another brand produce it in AEG?

thanks for your answers.
I don't know if it is an "exclusive", as in GHK owns the rights to its design, but in all likely hood another brand wouldn't make an AEG version, being that it isn't based off a real firearm. Unless there is a massive influx of people wanting the G5 or like weapons, then other companies would most likely be all over it.

Again, if you really want the G5 as an AEG, you might be able to build something similar.
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Old June 5th, 2013, 22:14   #14
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A small local HK parts company have a pimped out version of this gun, it kicks like a mule, very sexy and dead accurate ( much more than a pimped out TM) unfortunately they are not willing to part with it yet but this will definitely be my next airsoft purchase
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Old June 7th, 2013, 23:16   #15
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So very tempted to buy one. Is the pmag that comes with the gun made by G&P or beta project. Or is it GHK's own design?
World record in propane sniffing.

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