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A few Questions



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Old September 5th, 2005, 03:12   #1
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A few Questions

Hey, I recently joined this forum, and have also recently been interested in Airsoft as a sport (living room battles are still fun though w/ Crappy Tire springers ), I have decided that since most of my friends have not jumped on board with me right away with the whole airsoft idea.. that I would force them into it with by using a M4A1 in a CQB.

Heres my plan: (purchasing from 007)

8.4v 600ma Battery
Electric BB Auto Loader
M4 mag (not sure what cap)
PDI 150% Spring (Do I need to upgrade anything else with this? Will purchase this at a later date, because i wanna get use to my M4 and see if i really need this upgrade)

My questions: (Yes I did use search..)

1) Can you manually load Magazines? Or do you have to use the Loading rod or a similar tool. From the pictures it looks like you can just put them in 1 at a time.

2) Which magazine size(s) would you recommend (I was thinking a Mid or a Hi and then several Lo-Cap)
a) Please suggest pros and cons of both

3) Do I really need that winder tool (that 007 carries) to wind my mags? Or is manually winding efficient enuf

4) Anyone here from Red Deer, AB. (or area?)

5) What gun should I buy next? :mrgreen: (such a typical thing for me to do...)

After browsing the forums a bit I am impressed as to how popular Airsoft has become in Canada but disappointed in the lack of interest in my own area. There are many Paintballers but very few move away from that... and most people who buy airsofts, buy the CT ones and never move away from those... (since most are 16-18). I will be moving to Calgary in 2 years so I guess I can play with people from that area soon (since summer is over and college starts for me on Wednesday).
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Old September 5th, 2005, 03:21   #2
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Don't have much time so i'll answer quickly...

1) Can you manually load Magazines? Or do you have to use the Loading rod or a similar tool. From the pictures it looks like you can just put them in 1 at a time.

An AEG comes with a loading rod, so no you do not have to load them 1 at a time. A lot of players use the TM speedloaders also.

2) Which magazine size(s) would you recommend (I was thinking a Mid or a Hi and then several Lo-Cap)

Low caps

a) Please suggest pros and cons of both

more realistic, no winding mechanism (less chances of messing up)

3) Do I really need that winder tool (that 007 carries) to wind my mags? Or is manually winding efficient enuf

Low caps do not require winding

4) Anyone here from Red Deer, AB. (or area?)

Check the teams section

5) What gun should I buy next? (such a typical thing for me to do...)

A sidearm (KWA/KSC glock19, KJW M9), gear (bdu's, vest?), another AEG, It's really up to you

Sorry for the quick answers but im in a rush, hope this helps
Originally Posted by Sadiztix
Give Her Duster And She'll Love You Long Time
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Old September 5th, 2005, 03:27   #3
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Hey, welcome to ASC.

1. Well you can do that, however since locaps hold 68 BBs (if i'm not mistaken) that'll take you some time. Plus it will get a bit tougher as you add more in. The loading rod comes with a new AEG so just use that, or a hand speed loader is a good idea and don't cost much

2. Locaps are good if you are into the milsim, and don't mind carrying around a bunch on a field. Hicaps are good if you are just plain trigger happy and need all that ammo in one mag, however they do rattle a bit. Midcaps are in the middle, they have a good size ammo capacity without the rattling of hicaps. However many midcaps have been known to misfeed, jam or need some oil or working in out of the box.

3. You don't need the winding tool to wind hicap mags. Winding one with your hand is fine.

4. There are many players in AB. Check the teams section for people in that area

5. That all depends on what you like. If you like the look of the AK, get that. If you like the look of the MP5, get that. It all comes down to personal preference and what looks good to you.

Also, you might want to check out the games section. Even if you don't have all your gear and guns yet, it might be worth it to head out to a game. There you can meet some players, get any questions you have answered in person and get to see some of the gear and guns up close to see what you like.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 03:34   #4
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Thanks for the super fast responses. I know its 1:30 here in Alberta so I wasn't expecting an answer tonight. I'm glad I ran across this forum, everyone here seems really nice and supportive. Although I am not a typical trigger happy nutcase, I do have times where I like to unload on someone :kill: You should see me on CS when that happens.. People are usually laughing at how I kill em with dualies. So i guess 1 Hicap and 1 Low-Cap should hold me a while. Thanks for the help.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 03:50   #5
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its almost 4am EST... ASCer's never sleep..
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Old September 5th, 2005, 04:44   #6
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EDIT: double post
Originally Posted by sharlimain
my friend has often said anal lube in the gear box works wonders i dont know the acurisy of it but i would like to find that out btw thats anal lube bought in sex shops
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Old September 5th, 2005, 04:49   #7
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Originally Posted by CalvinTat

Heres my plan: (purchasing from 007)

8.4v 600ma Battery
Electric BB Auto Loader
M4 mag (not sure what cap)
PDI 150% Spring (Do I need to upgrade anything else with this? Will purchase this at a later date, because i wanna get use to my M4 and see if i really need this upgrade)
good choice on the gun, tm makes good stuff. for the battery however, i would recommend getting the 8.4v 1200mah mini (i don't own an armalite but i'm pretty sure it'll still fit)...if you double the mah you get twice as many shots before needing to charge :kill:. don't get the electric bb auto loader...just get a tm speedloader. for the charger, that's where you want to spend a little extra, sure a wall charger is like $15 but you'll just end up frying your battery and needing to replace's way cheaper (and easier) to just spend $60 or whatever it costs to get a higher quality charger. like you said, one low (comes with) and one highcap should be ok to start...and to answer your question about the spring don't really need it...stock the gun will shoot about 280fps which is fine when you're first starting out...with that spring you'll shoot about 390ish. if you do that you'll at LEAST need to get metal bushings.

when you want to to find out more about upgrades etc.

anyway, welcome to asc, and no we don't sleep.
Originally Posted by sharlimain
my friend has often said anal lube in the gear box works wonders i dont know the acurisy of it but i would like to find that out btw thats anal lube bought in sex shops
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Old September 5th, 2005, 05:03   #8
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Alrite, so here is my final (hopefully) plan

From 007

M4 HiCap mag
Battery (since no other site has better Milliamp ratings than 007)

From other site Near AB

TM Speedloader

What I wanna know is this (a few of the site arn't working properly for me tonight/morning for some reason...

1) What charger to buy.

Airsoftkelowna has these two that they advertise as good:

Minifast charger (price is right)
Fuzzy Logic (way to expensive)

For batterys no one seems to have any 1200ma batterys (at least not the ones near AB)

Please recommend sites for me. I do not want to buy items from 3 different sites.. I want to avoid that as much as possible. I am willing to buy as much as i can from 007 and then the rest from another site. Hopefully in AB, BC or Sask

Also, What is the ABSOLUTE biggest battery a TM M4A1 can hold without modifying the actual gun.

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Old September 5th, 2005, 05:30   #9
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for the battery, i can't help you, i don't own the gun, i'm sure there's an answer out there, try'll have to wade through the crap but i'm sure it's been answered before.

for the charger, just goto your local RC car shop (or hobby shop) and get a charger from can get all the charger you need for like $60...
Originally Posted by sharlimain
my friend has often said anal lube in the gear box works wonders i dont know the acurisy of it but i would like to find that out btw thats anal lube bought in sex shops
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Old September 5th, 2005, 12:45   #10
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Alrite, Thanks Bundun. The only problem I got is that I don't got the actual gun or the battery in hand so I wouldn't know which charger to buy... and I'm one of those super impatient people anyways. But the way things stand right now...

From 007

TM M4 HiCap mag
8.4v 600ma Battery
TM Discharger

From Airsoft Kelowna

Mini Fast Charger
0.2g BBs
TM Speedloader

I really need to know what is the largest size of battery the TM m4 can hold without any additional modification. Also, from reading another thread, I should get a discharger correct? Would the TM Discharger be sufficent?

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Old September 5th, 2005, 12:53   #11
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need to get a butterfly batter they fit in the handgrip they aren't too expensive i belive but its around 1500mah so you get a lot more shots..

I believe it is called the butterfly battery but it might be something else.
anyone wanna correct me on that.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 13:01   #12
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I went on DoubleEdge Airsoft and found that under the M4A1 'options' they had listed this 9.6v 1700ma "nunchuck" battery. They run at about $100 bucks... I think for now since I am just entering the sport, I'm gunna try to keep it as low budget as I can. I would hate to buy the 100 dollar battery and just hate the game. I can learn to deal with the low milliamp. Thank you to everyone who helped answer my questions and made suggestions.

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Old September 5th, 2005, 13:19   #13
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Originally Posted by CalvinTat
I went on DoubleEdge Airsoft and found that under the M4A1 'options' they had listed this 9.6v 1700ma "nunchuck" battery. They run at about $100 bucks... I think for now since I am just entering the sport, I'm gunna try to keep it as low budget as I can. I would hate to buy the 100 dollar battery and just hate the game. I can learn to deal with the low milliamp. Thank you to everyone who helped answer my questions and made suggestions.
if you really want to save money i suggest just buying off eBay from the states, in my opinion it's worth it as i got a 3000mah NIMH and a crappy slow charger for $30 shipped to my door
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Old September 5th, 2005, 13:53   #14
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Your milleage will vary with those packs, however. But then again, I'm using a pack from a seller called all-batteries and can't complain.
Annoyingly good with numbers

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Old September 5th, 2005, 15:15   #15
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I got my charger and battery from scarecrow, cheap, but they work as advertised! :cheers:

Also, leave your gun stock. Many places don't allow anything else for CQB. When you get a second gun, and you're slightly more experienced, upgrade either for outdoors, and leave the first one untouched. Not only that, but a PDi 150 spring is the treshhold for the max of a stock AEG. You'll significantly shorten it's life that way if you don't upgrade the other internals. What you'd be doing is the equivalent of dropping in a turbo on an otherwise stock car. Adding a bigger battery is the equivalent of dropping in a nitrous oxide bottle to the mix.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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