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some questions about the Kraken AK-47


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Old November 27th, 2008, 17:36   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
some questions about the Kraken AK-47

Firstly, i'm wondering if anyone knows if this silencer fits onto the kraken AK-47.

And also does the silencer decrease the fps of the gun?

Next, i'm wondering where I can get a bypod that would fit onto the Kraken AK-47?

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Old November 27th, 2008, 17:39   #2
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It fits, but if you put it on your gun, you should be flamed to crisp. Do not put a silencer made for an armalite or NATO weapons on a Russian or eastern-bloc gun.

Silencer does not do jack shit in airsoft, it does not increase or decrease sound or FPS (some silencers with foam in them do decrease the sound just a bit).

As for a bipod, you won't need one unless you are really lazy. If thats the case, any bipod that fits onto a barrel would work (Do not buy one that fits on a Rail).
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Old November 27th, 2008, 17:45   #3
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If you read the product description, you'll see it says it fits AKs.

As for not having an effect on sound, I disagree. I have a foam filled silencer. My MP5 and P90 have a very loud muzzle report. Adding the supressor actually deadens that significantly (much more than I had ever expected it would). I tried it on my Real Sword Type 56 and CA M15 rifle that are both pretty silent guns compared to my others, and couldn't hear jack shit from the muzzle while firing. The only sound came from the gearbox and motor.

However, I will agree with Conscript. That supressor would look bad on an AK. And it won't affect your velocity in any way. And since it doesn't say that it has foam inserts, it may not, and IMO, would be a waste of $60.
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Old November 27th, 2008, 17:58   #4
I am manly hear me squeek
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if it looks good to you i say go for it!

Dont let anybody sway what you think looks good

who cares if it dont work as a silencer i have one for each of my guns and personally i think they look very good mind ya i dont have a AK but if i did it would probably have a silencer as well,Half the stuff in airsoft doesnt do what its intended to do ie PEQ boxes,grenade launchers,landmines,rocket launchers ect. hell if ya think about pretty much everything is designed to do something other than what it really supposed to do. I can guarantee that alot a people around here dont really give a shit what looks good to other people.In fact isnt there a guy on here that sports a pink AK with a Dildo as a Bayonet ya that looks good but thats my point he doesnt care about what other people think neither should you.And if you get flamed for having a different outook on things well thats just ignorence and prickness at its best

Final word: If you like it then thats all that matters and fuck anybody who says ortherwise

Last edited by Spawn28; November 27th, 2008 at 18:11..
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