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Well.... I Thought Prometheus Gears were "Indestructable"


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Old February 10th, 2009, 08:05   #1
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Well.... I Thought Prometheus Gears were "Indestructable"

Yes you read that right.... I've managed to break indestructable prometheus gears I looked around when i chose them and couldnt find anyone who had broken them before. The gearbox was shimmed right and everything, smooth flowing through all tests and progress since august last year (not ingame use though as its a project). Suddenly earlier a 8mm Bearing went and looks like its mullered the small teeth of the Bevel gear... I'm dissapointed i really thoguht these would have survived and more likly the motor pinion gear ground down.

Even the bearing balls have shattered in to halves. Dissapointed... Anyone reccomend any better gears lol... Iknow thats going to be a hard one to do.. and 8mm Bushings. I'mnot using Gearbox Bearings any more. They really can bring down a gearbox and even the best parts. And yup this gearbox is a PGC Pro-Win

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Old February 10th, 2009, 08:09   #2
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what internal setup are you running?
And FYI, no gears are indestructible. You either got lemon ones, or your setup is just pure insanity with regards to stress on the gears.
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Old February 10th, 2009, 08:16   #3
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
what internal setup are you running?
And FYI, no gears are indestructible. You either got lemon ones, or your setup is just pure insanity with regards to stress on the gears.
Meh. It's ntohing OTT high speed though. But 330-340fps doesnt produce ultra gear stress. It's teh PGC 8mm Bearing that failed. Yea i know no gears are indestructable.... Just the reputation that no ones managed to break them for so people loosly refer tothem as it. It's not gear stress really. However does anyone know where you can get 8mm Bushings? I'm not going to use bearings anymore. Too much cna go wrong with themfor 1-ROF per seccond or maybe 2 increase. I just cant find any 8mm's.

Any help on this be apreciated tracking some down. Cheers
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Old February 10th, 2009, 08:20   #4
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I know not to run bearing gears in a high speed setup.. they cant stand the heat.
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Old February 10th, 2009, 08:26   #5
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Originally Posted by HaZarD SFD View Post
I know not to run bearing gears in a high speed setup.. they cant stand the heat.
that is true for 6 and 7mm... But i did think the supplied 8mm's would be ok. It's not had that much use so either Duff bearing or Duff gear teeth. I dont know which will have gone first.

But that one line is not helping, or even usefull. Please make posts relivant as i need to track down bushings. Please feel free to let me know where some are because i've checked alot of shops so far and cant see any referenceto 8mm and bushings.
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Old February 10th, 2009, 08:47   #6
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Well sorry.. But unfortunely in 8mm gearboxes you only got Bearing bushings.. Try a ceramic bearing set as they can stand up to the heat and shouldnt have any problems.. I know Kanzen makes some but they are a bit hard to find.. and about $30USD before shipping.
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Old February 10th, 2009, 09:05   #7
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Oh that poor PGC lower, is everything else alright?
I just finished some hardcore extensive googling for you, nothing from King Arms in the bushing department, 8mm bearing yes, bushing no. Nothing 8mm from KM, and nothing from Laylax. I wish I knew what to tell you, unfortunetly this one is well above anything I can dig up.

I hope nothing else was damanged in the lower.

Best of luck. I'll keep an eye open for you.

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Old February 10th, 2009, 09:16   #8
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Originally Posted by HaZarD SFD View Post
Well sorry.. But unfortunely in 8mm gearboxes you only got Bearing bushings.. Try a ceramic bearing set as they can stand up to the heat and shouldnt have any problems.. I know Kanzen makes some but they are a bit hard to find.. and about $30USD before shipping.
No worries ssoz snapped a bit... Just a little ticked off lol... Everything was going so well. Yea i saw those ceramics 30$ was spot on WGC had but i think out of stock or discontinued. I'm not sure if it was the heat really. It's not seen any legth of time in use other than short bursts to test.

I'm also not sure if the bearing went first. or the Gear teath. It's quite possible the gear teath just went and then took out the bearings on that Bevel gears axis.

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Oh that poor PGC lower, is everything else alright?
I just finished some hardcore extensive googling for you, nothing from King Arms in the bushing department, 8mm bearing yes, bushing no. Nothing 8mm from KM, and nothing from Laylax. I wish I knew what to tell you, unfortunetly this one is well above anything I can dig up.

I hope nothing else was damanged in the lower.

Best of luck. I'll keep an eye open for you.
Everything else was fine actually. I was prety amazed no other shred of damage, no gear marks that usually grind in to teh gearbox casing etc. I think what helped was it was the 10 Teeth Bevel gears teeth that went which contact the Spur gear. Because its few teath they broke and then the motor just spun that gear not the above two.

Cheers for the googling I have been two and checking as many shops i know of Not seen any Prometheus Bearings, only Action.... King Arms, Element etc. Not going near those.Possibly KA but again i'd rather get bushings if tehy can be found. I may try get some machined. But yea luckily the rest of the parts are all fine

Also i couldnt believe it. I just got my replaceent Micro Fuse through that WGC managed to track down fromteh manufacturer. My TLP X-15 stopped working i asked for their input and they said internal componant fuse went. Finally got it through yesterday so sat down this morning...

2 Hours later and removing 3 parts from a dis-assembled Charger i got it all fixed charged the 12v beast of a battery and worked flawlessly. Then this happened later on lol! My luck eh...

The one thing on a project like this is find the problems as you go along and dont expect it to always work fine

For the info i posed a thread at the end of august last year. Its the Bofors Defence Weapon Custom Gun Project this is from
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Old February 10th, 2009, 09:50   #9
Definitly bearing failure first. were you running systema turbo motor by any chance? what are you running for battery?
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Old February 10th, 2009, 09:59   #10
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Originally Posted by scooby View Post
Definitly bearing failure first. were you running systema turbo motor by any chance? what are you running for battery?
yea Systema Turbo motor.... The pinion gears on those things are crap. It could even have been that 1 tooth from that that entered the gearbox and hitting the bearing. I'm still interested in 8mm Bushings. Still looking but talking to a friend too. He may be able to or if not know someone who could machine some 8mm Custom Bushings. 12v Intellect 3300mah Battery so yea powerfull. but again. It only saw light testing use, Burst here or there since august last year. I figure its a part defect because not much of a strain with a heavy spring, its very light so should put undue stress on the bearings.
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Old February 10th, 2009, 10:09   #11
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More likely that the gears were really strong...

tooth/particle/chip of the pinion broke off and jammed the gears (can't really jam a bearing or impact it so hard to break it...but I suppose it's possible). The gear locked and torqued so much that the strain was passed to the bearings...which then failed. Once one thing slipped out of line...the rest went.

That's a crazy setup...very cool. 12V fully charged is something around 16v isn't it? Heheheheh

What mags are you running to keep up with that?

What piston are you running? Full tooth, half tooth, metal/plastic rack?

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Old February 10th, 2009, 10:17   #12
I have a systema gearbox running prometheus high speed gears 350 fps, systema turbo, 11.1 12c lipo batt.

Runs like a sewing machine, I blew a bearing first 3000 rds, switched to bushings, have shot about 15 000 rds through it, no problems, I just opened it up for a re lube and gears look brand new.

Fucking right pinion gear is shit on systema motor, thats why it is imperative to have motor height set perfect.

I'm now trying out a new systema revolution mechbox, is it ever nice.
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Old February 10th, 2009, 10:23   #13
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You're a bastard...Jugglez won't shut up about it and now I've got to get one...
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Old February 10th, 2009, 10:59   #14
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And this is why you DON'T USE BEARING BUSHINGS!

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Old February 10th, 2009, 11:27   #15
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
That's a crazy setup...very cool. 12V fully charged is something around 16v isn't it? Heheheheh

What mags are you running to keep up with that?

What piston are you running? Full tooth, half tooth, metal/plastic rack?

If your interested in the specifications And it is a hellof a huge list i suggest checking this thread. I've had masses amount of stuff on in Q4 last year so i didnt even amnage to get to an airsoft game for 5 months! let alone work on my project! Now starting to get back in to things

Yea 15v These intellect batteries fully charged each cell reads 1.5v... so tis good. The power out put is insane. I was runnig the gun through the power monitor while testing. Signle Shots spike at 11 Amps. and Full auto was 28.5Amps constant Need to now get a 30-35Amp fuse in maybe.

Mag was just standard bu doesnt 100% feed yet. Need delay sector Clip and then i'm looking in to a heavily modifed Box mag. 18-20v Conversion up from 9v to over speed and upgrade that for feeding. Full tooth Prometheus Hard Piston (Remove the seccond to last tooth and its flawless)

Originally Posted by scooby View Post
I have a systema gearbox running prometheus high speed gears 350 fps, systema turbo, 11.1 12c lipo batt.

Runs like a sewing machine, I blew a bearing first 3000 rds, switched to bushings, have shot about 15 000 rds through it, no problems, I just opened it up for a re lube and gears look brand new.

Fucking right pinion gear is shit on systema motor, thats why it is imperative to have motor height set perfect.

I'm now trying out a new systema revolution mechbox, is it ever nice.
heh mines not done anywhere near 3000. You get any miss feeds? what do you use to supply urs with for bb's? I want bushings but cant find any damn 8mm ones lol! Figured the PGC bearings should be good considering the Pro-Win gear box's reputation. Man that pinion gear is utter $hite. One mullered its self on my CA gears.... The gears were fine the pinion flatteneded all teh gears and left steel fillings everywhere. I'm curently about to try a Modify Pinion gear on the systema motor then i have a Guarder one heat treated to try... I'll just keep going throug them till i find one thats good enough.

Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
You're a bastard...Jugglez won't shut up about it and now I've got to get one...
Heh i wouldnt mind seeing one. The spare parts issue would worry me early on incase of anything breaking.

Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
And this is why you DON'T USE BEARING BUSHINGS!
No $hit shirlock holms *unimpressed look* Find me some 8mm's and i'll change em over otherwise keep retarded comments to your self.
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