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A and K M249 para upgrade help


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Old May 17th, 2009, 19:02   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Post A and K M249 para upgrade help

hey guys. I just got my m249. I am going to upgrade it into a high rof beast :duke: but I need some help. I want about 30 rps.
right now, all I know I want to get is

a systema high speed motor(short)

a 11.1 lipo battery.

Thats about all I know so far
I need to know what kind of gears to get, what spring to get, what piston I should get, and anything elts I need to make this my dream gun.
Any help is appreciated.:kill:
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Old June 30th, 2009, 01:55   #2
Join Date: Sep 2007
Originally Posted by darkmuffin7 View Post
hey guys. I just got my m249. I am going to upgrade it into a high rof beast :duke: but I need some help. I want about 30 rps.
right now, all I know I want to get is

a systema high speed motor(short)

a 11.1 lipo battery.

Thats about all I know so far
I need to know what kind of gears to get, what spring to get, what piston I should get, and anything elts I need to make this my dream gun.
Any help is appreciated.:kill:
I have the same gun as well, (well, I have the ECHO1 which is the same), I ordered a G&P M120 high speed motor, Systema M120S spring. The M249 uses ver 2 gears, so I ordered a EBAirsoft High Speed gears. The reason why I did not order Systema HS motor is because if the BB is coming out too fast, u will empty your drum mag in 2 minutes and it's not as effective as having lower ROF, the role of a support gunner is to lay down cover fire in a large area so that the riflemen can do target shooting. The reason why I did not order a Systema high speed gearset is because they are flat out expensive, I have it in my G&G M4 and ya, it works, but if it F up, it will be another CDN80. So, I can F up 3 sets of cheap high speed gearset and it's still cheaper than a systema stuff.

Other than that, the stock piston, etc should be good enuf. You don't have to do much. Well, except i have to make a new hopup since the stock one doesn't hop much.

I have a 11.1 Lipo as well, I just fired about 5000 rounds last saturday using just barebone stock, it's reliable as hell, no misfeed, no BB jam. So, I think all you need to do is a high speed motor, lipo, M120 spring, high speed gearset for ver 2 and you are set. That's the beauty of this gun.

Hope this helps.
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Old June 30th, 2009, 07:26   #3
Cpl T. Syndrome
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I would get a sorbo pad for the piston as well..saves some wear and tear on the mech box.
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Old June 30th, 2009, 08:50   #4
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if your trying to make this a BB hose I would recommend these upgrades

Bore up kit
helical gearset
systema magnum motor, installing this motor requires some light modding to the mechbox

But if you want to hit something you'll need to invest some time and money into to hop. Do a search there are alot of topics on the 249. It takes a bit of tinkering to get this 249 shooting proper.
Zaboroski A.
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Last edited by lexbroski; June 30th, 2009 at 08:51.. Reason: added info
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Old July 15th, 2009, 18:46   #5
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Location: Ohio
Thanks you guys. I just installed a mad bull m120. Shoots great, but it is burning through the 9.6s, and the batteries get very hot. How can I make this stop? I just ordered my custom battery from Its a 10.8. Do you think that is enough? Also, I still want to get new gears, piston, piston, and new wiring if possible. Any recommendations appreciated.
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Old August 20th, 2009, 00:23   #6
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Really? That is really weird, I have installed the G&P M120 High speed motor and the Systema M120S spring with just stock gearset and everything stock. I have been using the 11.1V Lipo 20C battery since day 1, it's fine, no overheating whatsoever and I have put through at least 7500 rounds.

Mmmm, did u mess with the wiring of the gun at all? maybe the wire stripped or the battery is having a short circuit? I bought a crappy nunchuck Lipo and it's like that 2 shots in a M4 CQB and smoke will come up.

Check your battery.
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Old September 12th, 2009, 16:59   #7
Join Date: Feb 2009
best upgrade

after all that it does not good if u cant hit shit! take up forward section of ur outter barril off and put a O ring on ur inner barril then pust in side the outer cuts down on movement of ur inner barril! man can u notice the difference
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Old September 12th, 2009, 17:13   #8
Join Date: Feb 2009

a guy i play with is look for a saw like mine and urs sounds like it might be it! what brand is it? do u have pics?
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Old September 13th, 2009, 02:43   #9
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Make sure you get a protection board and fuse for your LiPo!
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