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M4 Project Build - The Hell Would You Call This?


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Old July 17th, 2009, 17:17   #1
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M4 Project Build - The Hell Would You Call This?

After noticing that I had a whole bunch of random AEG parts laying around, I decided to put them together and see what I could get out of it. Well the result was a bit more then I expected.

So I thought "Why buy a new M4 that I've been wanting to get for a while, when I could just build my very own?" So that's what I decided to do. So this is my first own AEG build.

That little suppressor is only on there until I get a flash hider on there that I want. The one I ordered was a CW one, but it turns out I need a CCW one and I didn't check before hand because I'm a dumbass.

Once the main 'body' of the rifle is done I'm going to add an Eotech on there instead of that plastic carrying handle. There's a whole bunch of scratches on the body, and the ejection port cover is off color - I'll be touching all of this up once the rifle is actually complete.

I'm still missing the motor and a new stock. It's running a rear wired Systema M120 V2 gearbox, so if anyone has any suggestions as to what kind of motor would be good to go along with the gearbox, please suggest!

Older Pics:

Right, so I finally got my new rifle stock and the properly threaded flash suppressor, and those motor tab's that I needed. I ended up getting the Prometheus gold ones, just need to get a decent solder from work to get them one and fixed.

I had to cut the 'tube' sticking out of the rear of the metal receiver in half, in order to fit the stock tube onto it. Going to be taking the whole thing home with me at the end of the month to use a dremel on it at a buddies house - still having wiring issues but I've got about 12 inches of wire plus all the tips/connectors so it's just a matter of solder it all together.

For some reason the camera made the flash suppressor look really odd colored. It's kinda off black for some reason if you're actually looking at it. (Dunno why the hell it's off black...). Ejection port cover still needs painting.

I really like the stock, only issue is that I now need a riser for the aimpoint system. It's off of my SPR rifle, since I'm thinking of getting an actual scope for that one.

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Any and all comments, suggestions, and criticism's are welcome!

Last edited by Loathing; August 4th, 2009 at 23:33..
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Old July 17th, 2009, 17:21   #2
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you have to run the wire through the other hole the stock tube one, its a tight fit but its how all of my rear wired m4s were run and they work
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Old July 18th, 2009, 11:03   #3
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I had the same problem wiring Talraga's M4 to the stock, Takes a dremel and allot of patience. Gotta flaten the bottom of the stock tube piece and then chop a little outa the circle at it's base so that you can fit a plate in there. Also, gonna have to cut off that connector and either solder longer wires on or get some really small connectors.
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Old July 18th, 2009, 11:33   #4
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If I can find someone that won't mess up the wire soldering then I'd be set, there's only like an inch at most sticking out so not too much room for fuckupery...

I sort of see what your saying in regards to the stock tube, my other rifle body is made in such a way that there is no stock tube bit on it, you have a screw on piece and the previous owner already went ahead and dremelled all the needed holes to have it rear wired.

If it comes down to it I can switch bodies...but that short wire is still going to be a pain in the ass.
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Old July 19th, 2009, 01:14   #5
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G&P wiring kit comes with massively long wires?
Other than that, if your looking for good value, get the G&P M120 motor, otherwise, get a Systema Magnum or 007airsoft Magnum. With the systema motor you may need to replace the pinion in the not too distant future.
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
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The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old July 19th, 2009, 14:04   #6
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Nicely done. Seems to be a solid gun that you only threw together using parts that are lying around.
I've been told that a Systema Magnum motor is best suited for your mechbox.
I'm a big fan of the TM EG1000, perhaps it could do the job just as well as the magnum?
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Old July 20th, 2009, 08:06   #7
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Airsoftparts has both the Systema Magnum and the EG1000. Of course the EG is half the price of the Systema...but not really surprised there. Will be ordering the motor and the stock at the end of the month most likely.

The base build of the rifle originally was the one I bought from you Muffin. Was tired of having it just lay around so I decided to see what I can could do with it. Upgrading one part lead to upgrading something else and well....thats how it looks now (for now).

Also what the shit - when testing the rifle with a motor from another rifle I have, I 'snapped' the little red tab that you plug into the motor on the Systema wiring. (was trying to bend it so it would actually fit inside the pistol grip) I thought I broke the damn thing but it still works, I cause the little metal tab just snapped but the wiring is fine.
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Old July 20th, 2009, 08:25   #8
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Is the tab solderable? Or did you snap the entire tab off the motor?
When your looking for an EoTech let me know :

Originally Posted by Loathing View Post
Airsoftparts has both the Systema Magnum and the EG1000. Of course the EG is half the price of the Systema...but not really surprised there. Will be ordering the motor and the stock at the end of the month most likely.

The base build of the rifle originally was the one I bought from you Muffin. Was tired of having it just lay around so I decided to see what I can could do with it. Upgrading one part lead to upgrading something else and well....thats how it looks now (for now).

Also what the shit - when testing the rifle with a motor from another rifle I have, I 'snapped' the little red tab that you plug into the motor on the Systema wiring. (was trying to bend it so it would actually fit inside the pistol grip) I thought I broke the damn thing but it still works, I cause the little metal tab just snapped but the wiring is fine.
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Old July 20th, 2009, 15:46   #9
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Also what the shit - when testing the rifle with a motor from another rifle I have, I 'snapped' the little red tab that you plug into the motor on the Systema wiring. (was trying to bend it so it would actually fit inside the pistol grip) I thought I broke the damn thing but it still works, I cause the little metal tab just snapped but the wiring is fine.
Prometheus makes a gold motor tab kit, you can usually get it for around $12.
Here you go: BAM!

For a motor, I'd recommend a G&P. They're very good, run off rare-earth magnets and a M160 would only run you about $60-70.

For your stock wiring problem, if you can pick up a G&P crane stock, the tube it comes with has a groove in it to allow for wiring, so no dremelling required (except maybe shortening the tube on your metal body a bit).
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Old July 20th, 2009, 16:27   #10
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You can get the tabs at Can Tire (auto section 0.11"). They have a little red plastic shell. Cut the shell off, crimp, touch of solder to hold the wire and shrink wrap (right beside the connectors).

It'll cost you about $10...and you'll have enough stuff to do 4-5 connectors.

Takes about 5min.

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Old July 20th, 2009, 19:57   #11
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What type of suppressor do you have on there?

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Old July 21st, 2009, 08:24   #12
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U can try the Magpul UBR retractable stock as well.
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Old July 21st, 2009, 08:37   #13
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
What type of suppressor do you have on there?
Looks like a Kurz Silencer.

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Old July 21st, 2009, 12:21   #14
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Yup it's a M4 Kurz Suppressor. I threw it on there just so it wasn't an outer barrel with the inner barrel sticking out of it, but it's sort of grown on me and I've come to like the look. I'll still be putting a normal flash hider on there though once I order it.

Might look into picking up some of those tabs from Crappytire, the gun still runs when hooked up to a motor but it doesn't shoot as hard as my other rifle. I haven't done a chrony of it yet, the only way I can tell is by shooting this thick ass piece of cardboard I have. My other rifle can either penetrate it or just get BB's stuck in it, while right now this rifle only dents it and the BB's bounce off. I'm guessing the snapped tab, even though it still works, might be screwing up the flow of power or something in that regards? Actually might just pick up those Prometheus ones from Airsoftparts, exactly what I need and quicker then making a run to crappytire.

Still, goddammit Systema why the hell do you have to make your tabs so shitty? At least it was the red wire it happened on so I've got plenty of length to work with.

In regards to stocks, while I REALLY like how the Magpul UBR looks like, I don't think it has the same battery capacity as lets say a Crane stock (not counting Lipo's), unless I just have the wrong impression?

Last edited by Loathing; July 21st, 2009 at 12:23..
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Old July 21st, 2009, 16:53   #15
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if you're putting a flashhider on it, I'll take the kurz
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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